See You in Hell, Darling (Part 2; Own Chapter)

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-Rousseau's-(Nicole's POV)

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(Nicole's POV)

Pretty soon, we arrive in New Orleans, parking outside of Rousseau's. I smile as I get out of mine and Hope's car, looking around at the scenery I loved so much.

Nicole: Home sweet home. *shuts the car door*

Richie: So, *gets out of the car* you gonna tell us why we're at Rousseau's and not dumping Sienna's body in the swamp? *shuts the driver's door*

Nicole: I texted Logan and told him to meet us here. *hears Richie groan in annoyance and looks at him as the three of them walk towards the front doors* I know you don't like him, but he's my hybrid and I need him to do something.

Richie: He's a dick and he's constantly flirting with you.

Nicole: He's a good soldier and does what I tell him.

Richie: You sound just like your dad.

Tell me something I don't know. We walk through the front doors and it was like nothing had changed, since the last time I was here. As we go towards the bar counter, I hear a familiar voice call out to me.

Logan: There she is!

I turn my head and see Logan, my first hybrid in command, sitting at the counter as he drank a glass of bourbon.

Logan: smiles mischievously at me, "Nicole Mikaelson, the most beautiful sire a hybrid can ask for.

Nicole: Hello, Logan. *sits down on the empty stool beside him*

Logan: *looks at the man behind the bar* Bartender, please get Miss Mikaelson her usual. *looks back at her* So, where's your treacherous ex?

Nicole: In my trunk.

Logan: *grins* Classic.

Nicole: Look, Logan. I need you to get some information on this. *takes off her backpack, reaching inside and taking out the mysterious knife that all these monsters were after, making Kaleb's and Richie's eyes widen*

Kaleb: Woah, you stole that?

Nicole: *ignores him* Take it to Vincent and see if he knows anything about this knife. A bunch of monsters have been after this and we think someone...or something is sending them.

Logan: *takes the knife* I'll get back to you with the deets by nightfall. *hides the knife in his blazer*

The bartender comes back over and sets a tall glass of sweet iced tea in front of me and I smile "thank you" at him as I take a sip. Headmaster Saltzman wasn't getting anywhere with the knife, so I'll give him a hand. Even though I'm so getting in trouble for this.

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