We're Being Punked, Pedro (Part 2)

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About Ten Minutes Later -Downtown in Mystic Falls-

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About Ten Minutes Later
-Downtown in Mystic Falls-

Pretty soon, we arrive into town and I park our car behind the school van. Before we get out, I reach over and open the glove compartment, confusing Hope.

Hope: *watching her take out an enchanted talisman* Whoa. What are you doing?

Nicole: Making sure no bloody townies wreck our car. *hooks the talisman on the rear-view mirror* Uncle Danny and Auntie Prim won't be happy with the insurance spike.

Hope: Why are you so paranoid with townies?

Nicole: It's not all townies. Just the ones with cars we wreck. *opens her door, getting out with her sister and walking over to the school van*

Lizzie: *getting out of the van with Josie* So, what did you guys do? My dad never gets mad at you. You're the prodigal daughters. *smirks* Must have been juicy.

Hope: Sorry, no time for girl talk. Public service awaits.

Nicole: But before we do,... *smirks at Lizzie as she crosses her arms* I can't help but notice how fast your eye miraculously healed.

Lizzie: *lying* That's because I have great healing genes.

Nicole: So you didn't use the salve?

Lizzie: Absolutely not.

Nicole: *nods, not believing a word she was saying. She continues to stare at her* Josette, did Lizzie use the salve?

Josie: Yes.

Lizzie: *shocked and hurt, glares at her twin* Dude, not cool!

Nicole: Well, feel free to keep it. I have plenty. Besides, Josette will need it for those tire track marks from your bus. *grins when Lizzie glares at her*

Dorian: *steps off the van and walks over to the students* Alright, listen up. It's a beautiful day. You got options; litter, weeds, graffiti. Your choice. *holds a trash picker out towards Kaleb, who reluctantly and angrily takes it*

Nicole: *raises her hand* Mr. Williams, *lowers it when she gets his attention* can planting flowers be an option? We can go over to the store and buy some.

Dorian: That is a great idea, Nicole. Here, I'll give you the school credit card to use. *reaches into his wallet and takes out the school's credit card* While you're at it, pick me up some Twix.

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