Maybe I Should Start From The End (Part 2)

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Flashback; 2024-London-

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Flashback; 2024

One night, Klaus walked into a uptown bar, looking around the room for the man he was meeting.

Logan's Voice: Klaus Mikaelson!

Klaus: *sees Logan Cunningham sitting at the counter, drinking a glass of scotch. He smirks softly and walks over to him* Logan Cunningham. It's been a long time.

Logan: *nods* Yes, a couple years I'd say. What brings you to London?

Klaus: *sits down beside him* You, actually. Remember that favor you owe me?

Logan: *chuckles* I take it you're here to collect?

Klaus: In a manner of speaking. You see, something's happened and I've been unable to see my daughters for the last six years.

Logan: How tragic. *takes a sip from his drink*

Klaus: I've decided to make more hybrids. But for my daughters, using their blood. I've already sent Hope's hybrids to her. And I'm almost finished with Nicole's,...I just need one more.

Logan: *pauses, staring at him* What does any of this have to do with me?

Klaus: *smirks softly, leaning towards him a little* Enjoying that drink? Before you got here, I popped in for a few minutes and asked the bartender to make it especially for you.

Confused by his words, Logan slowly looks down at his almost empty glass, his eyes widening when he finally sees blood pooling from the melting ice cubes. At that moment, he jumps off his bar stool and runs out the front door, only to see Klaus already standing in front of him. Before he could do anything, Klaus swiftly snaps his neck, killing him.



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