This is the Part Where You Run (Part 3)

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A Few Hours Later-Training Dock-

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A Few Hours Later
-Training Dock-

Hope and I were sparring with Headmaster Saltzman on the training dock by the water. While Hope was on one side of our headmaster, I was on the other. I was easily blocking the hits and so was my sister, but I could tell she was distracted. And so did Headmaster Saltzman.

Hope: *glaring at him* You didn't have to lock him in the cellar.

Alaric: Where else was I gonna put him? *throws a punch at Nicole, which she blocks. He throws a punch at Hope, but she leans away* Block with your hand.

Hope: *hits his hand away* I got it.

Alaric: *circles around her* If you had it, I wouldn't have to say it.

Nicole: *groans* Can we please get back to the sparring? *does a roundhouse kick, but Alaric ducks*

Hope: *grabs his arm and pulls him away from her sister, pushing him. She throws a punch, but he grabs her fist and twists her arm behind her back, pinning her* Dimiterre. *her magic makes him fly over her and land on the dock. She flips over and lands on her feet over him, pinning him*

Alaric: *pants as he looks up at her* Cheater.

Hope: *smirks* You should really let a vampire start doing our training. You're getting a little old for us to break your human bones.

Alaric: *shooting an offended look at Nicole when she laughs at him, looking back at Hope* How dare you? *stands up when Hope grabs his hand, helping him back up. He gets back into a fighting stance* You and Landon have a thing or something?

Hope: *punches his hands, avoiding his gaze* I don't have things.

Alaric: Yes, I'm well aware of your quest to avoid all emotional intimacy.

Nicole: *throws at punch at Alaric* Sis, there was obviously something.

Hope: I liked him. He's normal. *throws another punch*

Alaric: *grabs her fist, staring at her* Well, let's keep him that way. We survive here because we follow the rules. We can't get sloppy about it. *walks around them*

Hope: You're the one that's always telling me I need to get out more.

Alaric: *chuckles as he hands them their water bottles* I tell you that you need to stop locking yourself in your dorm room, binge watching Cutthroat Kitchen. You both do.

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