Malivore (Part 1)

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A few days has passed since Hope, Lizzie, Josie, Chris, and I killed the Arachne. And so far, no other monster has shown up around the school or in town. As for me, I've been using the spell Bonnie Bennett gave me and so far, no nightmares. But she was right about the weird dreams.


Night 1-Nicole's Dream-

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Night 1
-Nicole's Dream-

Hope and I were out in the garden of the Mikaelson Kingdom, our father's kingdom. We were busy running around and picking flowers, humming our favorite song together. But we're soon interrupted by our mother's voice.

Queen Hayley: Girls, it's time to come back inside.

Princess Hope & Princess Nicolette: *groans in disappointment* Aw...

Princess Hope: Must we, Mother?

Princess Nicolette: Yes, it's such a beautiful day and all our woodland friends are singing their little animal songs.

Queen Hayley: *walks over to them* I know, but today is the day you both meet your potential suitors. With The Hollow finally defeated, we can move forward and build alliances with other kingdoms.

Princess Nicolette: We get to chose, right? You won't make the decision for us?

Queen Hayley: *smiles and gently touches her cheek* Of course the decision is yours. Because if it were up to your father, neither of you would be getting married. Ever.

Both my sister and I chuckle at her comment. We soon follow her inside to our large elegant bedroom, where Aunt Rebekah, Aunt Elsa, Aunt Freya, and Aunt Primrose were waiting for us.

Lady Freya: There you girls are!

Lady Rebekah: *smiling* We have your dresses picked out for you.

Lady Primrose: Yes, you want to make a good impression today.

While our mother and aunts start to help us get ready, our father and uncles greet the suitors and their families in our throne room.

Duke Saltzman: It is such an honor to meet you, King Niklaus. *bows to him*

King Klaus: You as well, your Grace.

Duke Saltzman: *looks back at his twin daughters, who were beautifully dressed in gowns* These are my daughters; Lady Elizabeth and Lady Josette.

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