Maybe I Should Start From The End (Part 4)

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Flashback; 2024-Nicole's and Hope's Dorm Room-

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Flashback; 2024
-Nicole's and Hope's Dorm Room-

Later that day, after finally arriving back at the Salvatore Boarding School, Nicole walked down the hallway towards her dorm room with her hybrids. But as soon as she opens the door, her eyes widen in horror when she sees Hayley sitting on her bed, her arms crossed and a frown on her face.

Nicole: *her face as white as a sheet* H-Hey, Mom. What are you doing here?

Hayley: Well, after our call, I felt bad about saying "no" to you getting your hair done. So I came up to surprise you and take you to get those streaks. But I see you decided to rebel and get it done yourself. *says in a disappointed tone*

Nicole: Mom, I'm sorry, but I had to! All the other girls are doing it.

Hayley: Just because a bunch of girls are doing it, doesn't mean you have to. I raised you to be yourself and do your own thing. And certainly not to go behind my back.

Logan: *stepping beside Nicole* If I may say something,...

Hayley: *shoots him a glare* Who the hell are you?

Logan: Oh, Logan Cunningham, Ms. Marshall. Klaus sent my comrades and I to protect your daughter, after turning us into hybrids. With her blood, I might add.

Hayley: *roll her eyes in annoyance* Of course he did.

Nicole: *tears begin to slowly well up in her eyes* I'm sorry. I just...

Hayley: *cuts her off* What, Nicole?

Nicole: *started to tear up even more, knowing she made her mad* I thought the other girls would like me. M-Maybe they'd want to be my friend.

Hayley: *quickly calms down as she stares at her daughter, uncrossing her arms* Honey, you don't want them to be your friend because of that. Besides, you have plenty of friends.

Nicole: *scoffs softly* Yeah; Hope, Richie, Ally, Chris, and Magic. Oh, and I guess you can count the rest of my family, who I never see because they're all carrying The Hollow inside of them; because of me.

Hayley: *stands up and goes over to her* Nicole, look at me. That wasn't your fault. Your dad, aunts, and uncles all wanted to save you. They wanted to give you and Hope a chance at a normal life.

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