Maybe I Should Start From The End (Part 5)

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Flashback; February 2026-The Abattoir-

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Flashback; February 2026
-The Abattoir-

Nicole was sitting on her bed in her bedroom, listening to music as she did her homework. Since Hope was suspended from school and Nicole didn't want to be there without her, she promised Alaric she'd have all her schoolwork sent back on time. While she nodded her head to the beat of "Lose Yourself", Cass and Lexa were trying to come up with ideas she could do for Supernatural History report.

Lexa: *sitting across from Cass on the floor* How about the creation of the first doppelgänger?

Cass: *shakes her head* Too easy. Everyone's doing it. What about the Travelers' Curse?

Lexa: Curses are cliché. Maybe she should do a biography.

Cass: Of who?

As if having the same thought, they look over at the picture of Nicole dressed as Katherine Pierce for Halloween on her dresser.

Lexa and Cass: *both nodding* Katherine Pierce.

Suddenly, the door opens and Klaus walks into his daughter's bedroom, making Nicole sit up straight and take out her earbuds.

Klaus: Ladies, will you give Nicolette and I some time alone? *briefly looks at Nicole*

The two girls look back at Nicole, silently asking for her approval.

Nicole: It's okay, guys. *watches them quietly leave the room, but not without giving her time to change her mind*

There was a strange and awkward silence between Klaus and Nicole, still getting used to seeing each other after seven years.

Klaus: *breaking the silence* W-What are you listening to? Mozart? Bach?

Nicole: Eminem. H-He's my favorite rapper. Have you ever listened to rap music?

Klaus: *shocked to find out she listened to rap music* Once or twice. I think it was during the 90s.

Nicole: *slowly nods* Any news on Mom?

Klaus: *sadly shakes his head* No, not yet. Nicolette, there's something we have to discuss. I was just talking to your sister. She told me that earlier you were hiding your feelings. Your true feelings.

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