Death Keeps Knocking On My Door (Part 6)

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Flashback; April 2026 -The Abattoir-

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Flashback; April 2026
-The Abattoir-

Delilah had spent the entire night without crying, but it was becoming a matter of minutes before Klaus was leaving to kill himself. She couldn't hold them back much longer.

Klaus: *walking towards Delilah from behind* Aunt Lilah?

She didn't answer him. She couldn't. He just simply walked up behind her and placed him hand on her shoulder. That's when the tears started rushing down Delilah's cheeks and she began to cry. She turned around and wrapped her arms around him, crying against his shoulder.

Klaus: *eyes filled with tears, gently stroking the back of her head* I must do this. I have to protect my daughters.

Delilah: *sadly nods* I-I know. I just know what I'll do without you, Sweet Boy.

They slowly pulled away and Klaus stared into his aunt's eyes, his eyes shining from the tears.

Klaus: Thank you for everything you've done. For always protecting me. For always being my beacon of light when I was lost in the darkness. But most importantly, thank you for loving me and my flaws unconditionally. I love you, Mum.

Delilah: *tears streaming down her cheeks* I love you, Klaus. And I promise to watch over Nicole and Hope as I have you.

Klaus: *a small smile appears at the corner of his mouth* I know you will.


A Few Minutes Later -The Werewolf Cells-(Nicole's POV)

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A Few Minutes Later
-The Werewolf Cells-
(Nicole's POV)

I couldn't believe I was doing this, but I had to move past this. I slowly walked down the hall, towards the werewolf cell I sensed the Necromancer was in.

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