Hope and Nicole Are Not the Goal (Part 4)

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-Mystic Falls High School-

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-Mystic Falls High School-

After leaving the school, we head out to the parking lot. My stomach was still twisted in knot from meeting Jenna, but I tried my best to hide it.

Nicole: Okay, hand me Dana's ties. *holds out her hand*

Chris: *placing them in her hand* Think you can really use these things to track her?

Nicole: I should at least be able to smell her shampoo from these things. *takes a deep sniff from them. She slowly sniffs the air, trying to pick up Dana's scent trail* This way. *starts walking towards the woods*

Anna: So, Nicole, *grins* I couldn't help but notice that you seemed to have the hots for that townie cheerleader.

Nicole: *face flushes* W-What? No. There's no way I'd fall for a human. I mean, Hope's going through crap with Landon. Besides, the last thing I need is a relationship.

Chris: Actually, that's probably the first thing you need. Maybe that would fix most of your problems.

Nicole: I'm sorry, but I don't remember asking for your opinions about my nonexistent love life. *says sarcastically*

Anna: And that's why you need somebody to jump on that Tribrid bod.

Nicole: *frustrated* Can we not talk about my bod?!

Out of nowhere, we hear groaning coming from up ahead and we see Dana stumbling over to a tree. All our eyes widen a little when we notice she was covered in dirt and bruises.

Nicole: Dana! *rushes over to her*

Chris: Are you okay?

Dana: *shoots him a glare* Do I look okay?

Nicole: Actually, you look like crap.

Dana: Gee, thanks. *sarcastically snaps back, trying to stand up, but stumbles into Chris*

Anna: You're going have to carry her, Cuz.

Chris groans in annoyance and picks her up, starting to carry her out of the woods. When we make it back to the high school parking lot, we see Hope and the others nearby.

Lizzie: *sees them, annoyed* Seriously?!


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