Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn (Part 4)

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Football Field (Allison's POV)

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Football Field
(Allison's POV)

Well, so far, we were in the first quarter and we were losing hard. Mr. Williams watched us as we got in our positions and Lizzie carried the football over to Kaleb.

Lizzie: Remember the game plan, Kaleb. *sets the ball down in front of him*

Kaleb: Girl, I used to eat townie scrubs like this for lunch. That's before I was a vampire. *takes a couple steps back*

As soon as the whistle blows, he runs over and kicks the ball into the air. Connor manages to catch it and start running towards his team's end zone.

Dana: Connor! *catches the ball when he throws it to her, running to the end zone, tripping MG along the way*

And as much I wanted to tackle her to the ground, I pretended to miss her and let her win the score.

Ally: *rolls her eyes when she and her team cheer* Don't kill them, Ally. Don't kill them. *whispers to herself, walking back over to the bleachers to get a drink*

Antonia: *steps down from her seat on the bleachers and hands her her water bottle* Here, Sweetheart. Drink up.

Ally: *takes it* Thanks, Grams. Although, I could go for a shot of bourbon instead.

Antonia: Oh, Lord. You're becoming your Uncle Damon more and more every day. *chuckles*

Chris: Grandma, can't we sneak out of here? Connor's laughter is starting to make me want to kill him.

Ally: I've been wanting to kill him and Miss Bottle Blonde. *takes another sip of water*

Antonia: Now, now, first quarter is done and soon enough, so will the game.

Maggie: You'll just have to deal with the humiliation afterwards. *shrugs when they glare at her, going back to reading her Stephen King novel*

Chris: *lays down on the bleacher* We should've gone with Grandpa.

I nod, we should've. We soon hear the whistle blow and my cousin and I head back over to our team.

Lizzie: Alright, I just want to take a minute to let you know how proud I am. You're all doing a great job.

Kaleb: *agitated* We're getting our asses kicked.

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