Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn (Part 1)

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Day 1-Salvatore Boarding School-

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Day 1
-Salvatore Boarding School-

A few hours later, after Hope, Headmaster Saltzman, and I got back to the school, I was still fuming about Landon and decided to take a walk around the school grounds. Some of the faculty were preparing for the annual flag football game against Mystic Falls High, which meant that the Timberwolves were probably somewhere around here. And I knew I was right when I started hearing obnoxious laughter coming from nearby. I soon found a bunch of idiot jockstraps spray painting a couple of the school vans, which pissed me off more than I already was. While I was standing there, I noticed a few of the younger students playing a game of baseball.

Nicole: *walks over to them, looking at Pedro* Mind if I borrow this? *points at the bat in his hands*

Pedro: *gives her a soft smile and a nod as he holds out the bat* Sure, Nicole.

Nicole: *smiles, taking the bat* Thanks, Pedro. *walks away, going over to one of the townies's cars. As soon as she was standing in front of it, she slams down on the hood, putting a huge dent in it. She smirks mischievously and starts smashing the windshield and windows*

Guy's Voice: Hey! That's my car!

I glance over and see Connor and his goons charging towards me. So it was Connor's car I was wrecking. Kinda ironic, seeing how Hope and I wrecked his first one.

Nicole: Does it look like I care?! *takes his left side mirror right off with the bat*

Connor: *glaring deadly at her* Are you crazy, Bitch?! *reaches over to grab her, but she quickly pins him to the hood of his demolished car*

Nicole: *pressing the bat to his throat* Not crazy. Just a raging bitch. *snarls down at him*

Alaric's Voice: Nicole!

I turn my head and see him standing with his arms crossed, that too familiar disappointed look in his eyes. After giving Connor one last glare, I walk away, carrying the bat over my shoulder as I go over to my headmaster.

Alaric: *scolding* What the hell were you thinking?

Nicole: They were spray painting the vans.

Alaric: They do that every year!

Nicole: *glares up at him* And I'm sick of it! Why do we put up with their townie crap?

Alaric: *giving her a stern look* You know why. Now I've got to punish you. Which means, you won't be playing in the football game later.

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