Death Keeps Knocking On My Door (Part 2)

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Night 1-Salvatore Boarding School-(Nicole's POV)

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Night 1
-Salvatore Boarding School-
(Nicole's POV)

A couple days have passed since Richie, Kaleb, and I came back from our trip to New Orleans, and today was Remembrance Day. It was a day where we all wrote letters to those we lost. I participate every year, but Hope doesn't. She doesn't see the point in it, but in a strange way, it's always helped me. Especially now, when death seems to be knocking on my door more than ever. Our newest mystery monster at the school was currently being held in the werewolf cells. He called himself "The Necromancer", and apparently was the one that brought back Gregory and Josette. I haven't seen him in person yet, but Hope has. And after seeing her sketches of him, it wasn't hard to realize that he was the walking corpse from my vision. While I was writing my letter to Cami O'Connell, sitting outside on the porch swing, I suddenly sensed someone walking towards me. As soon as they were close enough, I shot an energy blast at them. But my energy blast was immediately deflected when the person held up a hand and used their magic. The person stepped into the light and I smiled when I saw it was one of my favorite people in the entire world; my aunt Delilah.

Delilah: *smiling at her* It's certainly nice to see your senses are as sharp as ever, my Sweet Blessing.

Nicole: *smiling happily* Auntie Dee! *stands up and runs over to her, hugging her tightly* I'm so happy you're here.

Delilah: So am I. *pulls away* I apologize for arriving so late, but I had a few errands to run on my way here.

Nicole: It's okay. I'm just glad you're here. And so will Hope. *wraps her arm around hers as they begin to head inside the school*

Delilah: *looks at her* So, who's the lucky fella or lady?

Nicole: *blushes* What makes you think there's someone?

Delilah: *softly chuckles, leaning closer and whispering* You still have a tad bit of sex scent on you.

I swear, Richie sucks at scrubbing me.

Nicole: *trying her hide her flustered cheeks* Richie and I have been...getting together for the last few days.

Delilah: *smiles* Aww, that's so amazing, Sweet Face. Richie's a sweet boy. And has obviously been doing wonders for you. You're so relaxed and practically glowing.

Nicole: Thanks, Auntie Dee. *chuckles, walking down the hallway*

We soon find Hope rushing down the other hallway, looking like she saw a ghost.

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