Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn (Part 3)

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Later That Day-Route 29-(Nicole's POV)

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Later That Day
-Route 29-
(Nicole's POV)

Hope, Headmaster Saltzman, Mr. Barnes, Rafael, and I arrive at Route 29, where we tracked down Landon's location. We all get out of the car and begin walking through the woods, trying to find him.

Hope: I don't know why he's still out here. He has a whole day's lead on us. He could be anywhere.

Rafael: *shooting her a glare* Maybe 'cause he doesn't have a reason to run.

Nicole: *scoffs* No offense, Raf, but that would've been perfectly believable if he hadn't, you know, ran.

All of a sudden, the sounds of twigs snapping can be heard, making Headmaster Saltzman, Mr. Barnes, and I freeze in our spots.

Alaric: Wait, shh! You hear that?

Percy: Someone's here. *leaves with Alaric to find out where the noise was coming from*

We immediately follow behind them, until we find them talking to a woman wearing a tattered white dress.

Alaric: *looking at the woman* Can you tell us what happened?

Hope: *staring at the silent woman* Is she a survivor?

Rafael: Ugh, smells like it. She reeks of smoke.

Nicole: *slowly steps towards the woman, but the woman immediately steps away, with a scared expression on her face* I think she's in shock.

Alaric: *turns his attention to us* Look, I need to get her to the police so she she can get some medical attention. Uh, why don't you guys go ahead? Don't engage. We don't know how dangerous Landon is.

Rafael: He's not dangerous...

Alaric: *cuts him off* I said don't engage.

Percy: *shoots him a look and turns to us* Come on, Kids. *walks away and the three teenagers follow behind him, leaving Alaric and the woman*


-Football Field-
(Allison's POV)

Meanwhile -Football Field-(Allison's POV)

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