Mombie Dearest (Part 2)

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A Few Minutes Later -Lizzie's & Josie's Dorm Room-

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A Few Minutes Later
-Lizzie's & Josie's Dorm Room-

After leaving Headmaster Saltzman's office, I went back to mine and Hope's dorm room to get Josie's and Lizzie's birthday gifts. We had just decided to sneak the gifts in their room, so they could open them in private. But Hope only helped make Josie's gift, since she didn't even know I made Lizzie something. Yes, I hate her, but I made her a birthday gift. But I always got Lizzie a birthday gift, but Lizzie doesn't know that. Why? Because I never put my name on the card. I knew she wouldn't accept it, if I did. It was easy sneaking them into their room. They never lock the damn door. Just as I was about to hide Lizzie's present underneath her pillow, I heard the Saltzman Twins' voices coming towards the room.

Nicole: *eyes widen slightly* Invisique." uses her magic to make herself invisible*

Lizzie: *walking into the room with Josie* I have to start getting ready, so I can be drop dead perfection for the party. *smiles very big when she notices the wrapped gift on her bed* Looks like my secret admirer is right on time.

Secret admirer? She thinks all my presents are from a secret admirer? You've got to be kidding me. I gotta get out of here. Thankfully, they left their window open, so I can get out through there.

Josie: How do you know that's from a secret admirer?

Lizzie: *smiling* Who else could it be from? *starts tearing off the wrapping paper* They never leave their name on the card and they always seem to get me something I want or need. *throws the paper to the side, opening the box and pulling out a bracelet. She squeals a little in excitement*

That sounded so cute to hear. God, what's going on with me today?

Lizzie: *reading the note* "I hope this brings you a little peace. Happy birthday". *gasps a little as she grins softly* Ooh, must be enchanted or something.

In fact, the bracelet was enchanted to help whoever wore it calm down whenever they had a panic attack, an anxiety attack, or in Lizzie's case, a breakdown. Okay, I have to get out of here, before either of them sense I'm here. I quietly sneak out the window, jumping down and landing safely on the ground. As I use magic to make myself visible again, I don't hear the footsteps coming up behind me.

Richie's Voice: What are you doing?

I jump a little when I suddenly hear Richie's voice from behind me, along with a low chuckle at my expense.

Nicole: *shooting him a glare* None of your business. What are you doing sneaking up behind me?

Richie: *shrugs* I was just walking by, caught your scent, and was curious about why you were sneaking out of the Saltzman Girls' dorm.

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