Maybe I Should Start From The End (Part 6)

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Later That Night-Lawrence, Kansas-(Delilah's POV)

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Later That Night
-Lawrence, Kansas-
(Delilah's POV)

Well, after what seemed like forever, we were finally heading in the right direction to Landon's location. It was definitely taking longer than I expected it to.

Hope: *groaning softly* Nicole's not answering her phone. *puts her cellphone back into her cardigan pocket*

Alaric: She's probably busy studying.

Hope: *scoffs* Or she's ignoring me like she is Josie.

Alaric: *sighs softly* Your sister just needs some space. She was really upset about what happened yesterday.

Hope: *confused, staring at the back of his head* Wait, she talked to you about yesterday?

Alaric: *nods* She told me she tried to get the knife back and I let her know it wasn't her fault.

My heart broke a little when I saw the hurt expression on my niece's face. I knew she was upset that Nicole talked about yesterday's events to someone else and not her. It was sad to think about, but Hope and Nicole aren't as close as they were when they were little girls. Hope has become too hard on her sister and I think deep down, Nicole still blamed Hope for Hayley's death. I'm just worried that they'll end up resenting each other, like their aunts and uncles did with their father. A few minutes later, we finally arrived at Landon's location. It was at a grungy motel. Ugh. Why couldn't his kidnappers have picked a Hilton?

Alaric: *walking towards the motel room the locator spell was leading them to* Okay, I think this time, we should go in quiet.

Delilah: I agree. Don't want to have to compel all the hookers and johns here. *stands in front of the door, holding up her hand* Dissera portus. *grins softly at him the door slowly opens* Quiet as a mouse. *steps inside the motel room with Alaric, seeing it was empty. She suddenly senses someone sneaking up behind and grabs them with her vamp speed, pinning a dark-haired woman to the wall by the throat, making the woman drop the gun she was carrying* Huh. Not what I expected.

Woman: *choking a little, glaring her* Who the hell are you?

Hope: *uses magic to make the gun fly into her hands as she walks into the room, aiming the gun at the woman's head* People who care about Landon Kirby. So tell me where he is before I blow your head off.

Woman: *looking at her* You must be Hope.

At that moment, a young man with curly black hair walks out of the bathroom. And by the way he and Hope were staring at each other, I could tell that was Landon.

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