See You in Hell, Darling (Part 1; Own Chapter)

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Flashback; 2021-Hayley's Hideout-(Reader's POV)

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Flashback; 2021
-Hayley's Hideout-
(Reader's POV)

Mary: You have to think about the pack's future, Hayley.

Hayley: *cleaning up her daughters' drawings from the table* The girls are seven, Mary. There's plenty of time to think about that.

Mary: You should start teaching Hope the ways of the pack, so when the time comes, she'll be ready to take over as alpha.

Hayley: Honestly, *starts putting colored pencils into the pencil box* I don't even think Hope will want to be alpha. But I know Nicole does.

Mary: *sighs* As much as I love Nicole, she's not fit to be the alpha.

Hayley: *looks at her, crossing her arms* Why not?

Mary: Because she's too much like her father and the rest of his damned family. She's not even triggered her werewolf gene and she already has the worst temper in the pack. Last week she pinned one of the boys to the ground and almost broke his arm.

Hayley: *scoffs* Because he was bullying Hope. She was just protecting her sister.

Mary: Regardless, Nicole isn't fit to be alpha.

Hayley: *sighs softly, but suddenly hears footsteps from behind and turns around, her eyes widening when she sees Nicole standing in the doorway* Nicole... *sighs again when her daughter runs away*


The Next Morning -Nicole's Car-(Nicole's POV)

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The Next Morning
-Nicole's Car-
(Nicole's POV)

Richie: *sitting in the driver's seat* Nicole, wake up. *nudges my shoulder, trying to wake her up*

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