Maybe I Should Start From The End (Part 1)

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Night 1-Richie's Dorm Room-(Nicole's POV)

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Night 1
-Richie's Dorm Room-
(Nicole's POV)

Hope: *standing in the doorway of Richie's dorm room* Landon's in trouble.

Richie: *looking at her, laying beside Nicole in bed* How do you know that?

Hope: Because of this. *holds up her wrist, showing them the bracelet she had on was glowing blue*

Richie: Yeah, sorry. I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

Nicole: *looks down at him* Before Lando left, Hope made him and her matching bracelets that glow whenever one of them presses theirs.

Hope: Yeah, and I told Landon to press if he was ever in danger. Obviously he is and we've got to go help him.

Nicole: *raises her eyebrow* I'm sorry. We?

Hope: You, Aunt Delilah, and I. Who knows what kind of trouble Landon's gotten himself in? I'm going to need help.

Nicole: Look, Sis, I've had a long and frankly, disappointing day. Right now, all I want to do is watch movies and pig out on Cheeto puffs.

Hope: *using her angry annoyed tone* Wait. You're not going to help me? Seriously?

Nicole: I just don't see why I should go. You'll have Auntie Dee with you. Besides, wasn't this the whole point of Landon leaving? So we weren't responsible for him?

Hope: *crosses her arms* You just don't want to help because he's human.

Nicole: I don't want to help because it's not my problem. Hope, you know that any other time I would help, but I just need to get past what happened yesterday. I'm sorry.

Hope: *shooting her a glare* Fine. Don't help. Stay here and enjoy your meaningless fling. *motions at Richie, turning around and leaving*

Richie: *looks down at her when she sighs and falls back down on the bed* Don't hit me when I say this, but your sister's a real bitch sometimes.

Nicole: Tell me something I don't know. *looks up at him with a pouty face* Can we watch my comfort movie next?

Richie: Winnie the Pooh? *chuckles softly when she nods*


Meanwhile -By the Front Doors-(Delilah's POV)

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-By the Front Doors-
(Delilah's POV)

I was waiting by the front doors for Hope and Nicole to come, starting to get a little impatient. A couple minutes later, Hope quietly rushes towards me, without her sister.

Hope: *whispers* Let's go.

Delilah: *whispers back* Where's your sister?

Hope: *walking straight towards the front doors* She's not coming.

We were just about to open them when we heard a familiar annoying husky voice from behind us.

Alaric: *standing behind them* Going somewhere? *watches Hope and Delilah slowly turn around* Better question. Where the hell do you think you two are going, without telling me?

Delilah: *scoffs softly* I didn't realize you were my father, Alaric.

Alaric: If I was, you probably would've killed me by now.

Delilah: *smirks mischievously* That can still be arranged.

Hope: Aunt Delilah talked to me about what happened yesterday, and um, I realized I just said some really harsh things to you. So,...I just wanted to go out and get you a peace offering gift.

I couldn't help but close my eyes and groan softly. Hope certainly was the absolute worst liar in our family.

Alaric: *scoffs* At 3 a.m.? Hope, you're sneaking out in the middle of the night with your irresponsible aunt. You're ditching school right before the midterm exams begin, and you've made it very clear to me that you see me as an authority figure and nothing more. So tell me, why shouldn't I suspend you this very second?

Delilah: Because without her daddy's money, you wouldn't have a school to suspend her from.

That moron just rolls his eyes at me, while Hope shows him her glowing bracelet.

Alaric: And what is that?

Hope: It's basically a supernatural compass. *puts down her wrist*

Alaric: Well, I hope it's pointing you to your room, 'cause that's where you're going.

Hope: We're going after Landon. If this thing is glowing, that means that he's in trouble.

Alaric: Then we're all going, and I'm driving.

Delilah: *grins softly* Oh, good. I can sleep on the way.

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