Hope and Nicole Are Not the Goal (Part 5)

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Later -The Woods by the Salvatore Boarding School-(Nicole's POV)

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-The Woods by the Salvatore Boarding School-
(Nicole's POV)

After performing a tracking spell on the Arachne's skin, we follow it back to the school. While we're running through the woods, we start hearing the sound of a phone ringing. MG quickly pulls out the school's cellphone and sees who was calling.

MG: *handing the phone to Lizzie* It's for you. No way I'm telling your dad what we're about to do.

Lizzie: I suck at lying. You're great at it. *quickly hands the phone off to Landon*

Landon: *glances back at Nicole* You don't mind lying to him. *gives her the phone*

Nicole: You're his favorite. *shoves it into Hope's hands*

It's true, though.

Hope: *looking at Lizzie* You're the hero. *gives her back the phone*

Lizzie: *groans, reluctantly answering the call. She smiles, putting the call on speakerphone* Hi, Daddy!

Alaric's Voice: Hey, thought I'd call, check in, see how things are going.

Lizzie: *lying* So good. *nods when Chris gives her two thumbs-up*

Alaric's Voice: Really? Define "good" Lizzie, because I don't think that involves me tracking down Dana's body to the glove compartment.

I knew we should've buried her.

Lizzie: Listen, Dad, it's fine. We cracked the case. It's a spider. But, like, a big, huge, nasty spider. And MG's comic books know how to kill it.

Alaric's Voice: Comic books? Really? Lizzie, listen to me, whatever you're thinking of doing, don't, okay? So just tell me where you are, and Matt and I will be right there. And where are Hope and Nicole?

Nicole: *quickly leans over and presses the mute button, looking into Lizzie's eyes* Lizzie, you wanna prove to your dad that you can help protect the school and this town? *watches nod her head, staring back into her eyes* Then listen to your gut and don't let anyone tell you different. *takes the phone off mute*

Lizzie: *continues to stare at Nicole as she speaks into the phone* I'm sorry, Dad. You're gonna have to trust me for once. *hangs up the phone and looks at the others* Let's do this.

Nicole: You heard Supergirl. *starts tracking the Arachne again, running away with the group*


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