Malivore (Part 2)

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A Few Minutes Later-The Salvatore Boarding School-

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A Few Minutes Later
-The Salvatore Boarding School-

After the assembly, Hope went off to catch up with Headmaster Saltzman and I decided to go to the mailroom to see if Hope or I got any mail.

Nicole: *smiling softly* Hey, Wade.

Wade: *smiles back* Hey, Nicole. Coincidence that you're here, because I was just about to go find you and give you this. *turns around and grabs a package, setting it in front of her* It's addressed from a "Bonnie Bennett".

Nicole: *smiles* This is what I've been waiting for. Thanks, Wade. *takes the package*

This had to be the cure Elena said Bonnie was working on. Now I can stop using the sleeping spell and finally have normal dreams again. Hopefully. I quickly run back to mine and Hope's dorm room and I immediately start opening it. When I finally get the box opened, I reach inside and take out a letter and a large prism. After examining the prism in curiosity for a few seconds, I set it down beside me on my bed and I open the letter.

Nicole: *beginning to read* "Dear Nicole, I'm sorry to say that I haven't been able to find a cure for your nightmares, but I think I've found the only true way for you to deal with them. The prism I sent you has the power to allow you to speak to your subconscious, which can take the form of yourself or whoever from your memories. Just hold the prism and power it with your magic. I really hope this helps. From, Bonnie."

Well, so much for a cure, but I think I knew deep down that would be too much to ask for. I sigh softly as I place the letter in the box and set the box behind me on my bed. I immediately look down at the prism, slowly reaching down and picking it up. After taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and begin to use my magic to power it.

Hayley's Voice: I always knew my job wasn't done yet.

I gasp softly when I hear a very familiar voice and I open my eyes, turning my head and seeing my mother, Hayley, sitting beside me.

Hayley: *smiles* But a daughter will always need her mom, huh?

Nicole: *tears filling her eyes* M-Mom?

Hayley: It's me, Sweet Girl.

Klaus's Voice: And me, my Littlest Wolf.

Nicole: *turns and her heart leaps for joy when she sees her dad sitting on the other side of her *Daddy. *more tears start rushing down her face*

Klaus: *smirks softly* You didn't think I'd miss giving you parental advice with your mother, did you?

Nicole: *chuckles with Hayley* I'm so glad you guys are here. I just wish that Hope was here too.

Hayley: Well, Hope wouldn't see us anyway, Sweetheart. We're from your subconscious, not your sister's.

Klaus: And your mother and I are here to help you, only you. Love, you have nothing to fear. My past is ancient history, but your bright future is ahead of you.

Hayley: *nods in agreement* Your dad's right. Don't concern yourself with the ghosts that haunted us.

Nicole: I'm trying not to. *looks down at the prism. She looks back at them, tears slowly brimming her eyes* I'm sorry I couldn't save you guys.

Hayley: Nicole, you have nothing to be sorry for. Your dad and I did what we had to to protect you and your sister.

Nicole: *more tears run down her cheeks* I miss you both so much.

Klaus: We know, Love. We miss you too.

Hayley: We'll always be with you, Sweetheart.

Hope: *bursts inside the room, making their parents go away* You will not believe what Dr. Saltzman's got me doing. He's got me running tests on Landon today to see what he is, so I'm going to have to spend all day with him!

Nicole: *sighs a little as she leans over and sets the prism on her nightstand* Sorry, Sis.

Hope: *stares at her* What's wrong?

Nicole: *shrugs her shoulders* Nothing. Just sitting here, listening to my thoughts.

Hope: Oh. Well, if you need me, I'll be outside.

I nod, watching her leave our dorm. Talking to my parents, before we were interrupted, was really nice. I needed it, but I don't know if it was enough to solve my problem. After letting out a soft sigh, I get off my bed and grab the prism, leaving my dorm.

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