Introduction (7)

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•Full Name: Richard LeBlanc •Born: Fall 2011 (New Orleans, Age 20)•Turned By: Unknown •Status: Alive•Portrayed by: Dylan O'Brien•First Appearance: "Malivore" •Occupation: -Member of the North East Crescent Pack (Currently) -Member of the Crescent ...

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•Full Name: Richard LeBlanc
•Born: Fall 2011 (New Orleans, Age 20)
•Turned By: Unknown
•Status: Alive
•Portrayed by: Dylan O'Brien
•First Appearance: "Malivore"
-Member of the North East Crescent Pack (Currently)
-Member of the Crescent Wolf Pack (Originally)
-Whitmore College Student (Currently)
-SBS Student (Graduated)
•Title(s): "Richie" (by everyone; preferred), "LeBlanc" (by Jed), "Wolfie" and "Fur-Face" (by Penelope), "Rich" (by Nicole and Hope), and "Handsome" (by Nicole)
-Evolved Werewolf (Triggered)
•Gender: Male
•Family Members:
-Unnamed Father
-Jules LeBlanc (Mother; Deceased)
•Best Friend: Nicole
•Friends: Ethan, Hope, Lizzie, Josie, MG, Alaric, Kaleb, Jed, Wade, Cleo, Finch, Landon, Rafael, Pedro, Ryan, and Professor Vardemus
•Enemies: Malivore and his Monsters, Alyssa, Penelope, Connor, Dana, Aurora, Ken, Sebastian, Triad, Necromancer, Cleo (Formerly), Ryan (Formerly), and Dark Josie
-Nicole Mikaelson (Childhood Crush and Fling: S1)
•Other Information:
-Richie, Nicole, and Hope grew up together in the Crescent Wolf Pack.
-He graduates from the "Salvatore Boarding School" at the end of Season 1. In Season 2, he begins attending Whitmore College.

Legacies: Nicole Mikaelson's Story (Season One) Where stories live. Discover now