What Was Hope Doing in Your Dreams? (Part 1)

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Flashback; Six Years Ago-Hope and Nicole's Dorm Room-

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Flashback; Six Years Ago
-Hope and Nicole's Dorm Room-

One day, at the Salvatore Boarding School, eleven-year-old Nicole Mikaelson was walking into her and her sister's dorm room, after a day of classes. As she went over to her bed, she found a big leather book laying on the end of it. At first, she stared at it in confusion, but then she opened it and her eyes widened a little when she read the title on the page. "Klaus Mikaelson: The Greatest Evil". Nicole knew she shouldn't have started reading the book about her father's tyranny over the centuries, but she needed answers. Ever since she and Hope astral projected themselves to see Klaus when they were nine, she'd been so confused. As she continued to read, tears began filling her eyes, her anger boiling at the hateful words about her father. No longer being able to read further, she picks up the book and throws it out into the hallway, yelling in fury.

Nicole: *standing in her doorway, glaring down at the book* Incendia. *watches as the book magically lights on fire, slowly burning*

Student: *walking down the hallway, their eyes widening when they see the fire* THERE'S A FIRE IN THE HALLWAY!

A couple minutes later, Alaric comes running down the hallway, carrying a fire extinguisher.

Alaric: *going towards the book, glancing at the students filling the hallway* Everyone, stay back! *uses the extinguisher to put out the fire, looking at the other students* It's out. Everyone, go about your business. *watches as they leave the hallway and looks down at Nicole, trying not to lose his temper* Did you do this, Nicole?

Nicole: *angry tears in her eyes* Yes.

Alaric: Don't you realize that you could've gotten hurt? Or hurt someone else? Why'd you do this?

Nicole: Because that book says my daddy's evil, but he's not!

Alaric: *glances down at the book, realizing what book it was. He looks back at her, calming down a little* Where'd you get that book?

Nicole: It was on my bed. Someone must've put it there. *more tears fill her eyes as she wipes away her old ones* My daddy's not a monster.

Alaric: *sighs softly, crouching down in front of her* I'm really sorry, Nicole. But your dad's...he's done some bad things. And he's hurt a lot of people. I know this is hard for you to understand, but... *trails off when she turns around and goes back into her dorm, slamming the door in his face. He sighs softly, stressfully running a hand through his hair*

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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