Introduction (6)

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•Full Name: Jenna Brinner•Born: November 3, 2013 (Mystic Falls, Aged 18) •Status: Undead•Portrayed by: Madeleine Petsch •First Appearance: "Hope and Nicole Are Not the Goal" •Occupation: -MFHS Student and Cheerleader (Formerly; Transferred) -SBS S...

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•Full Name: Jenna Brinner
•Born: November 3, 2013 (Mystic Falls, Aged 18)
•Status: Undead
•Portrayed by: Madeleine Petsch
•First Appearance: "Hope and Nicole Are Not the Goal"
-MFHS Student and Cheerleader (Formerly; Transferred)
-SBS Student and Cheerleader (Currently)
•Title(s): "Jen" (by Nicole, Hope, Allison, Lizzie, and Josie), "Sweetheart", "Red", and "Beautiful" (by Chris), and "Bitch Witch" (by Penelope and Alyssa)
-Heretic (Currently)
-Witch (Originally)
•Gender: Female
•Family Members:
-James Brinner (Father; Deceased)
-Martha Smith; née Brinner (Mother)
-Dexter Smith (Stepfather)
•Best Friends: Nicole, Allison, Chris, Annie, Lizzie, Josie, Barry, and MG
•Friends: Landon, Rafael, Kaleb, Alaric, Jed, Wade, Hope, Ethan, Maya, Cleo, Finch, Maggie, Logan, Delilah, Richie, Pedro, Ryan, and Professor Vardemus
•Enemies: Malivore and his Monsters, Alyssa, Penelope, Connor, Dana, Aurora, Ken, Triad, Necromancer, Cleo (Formerly), Ryan (Formerly), and Dark Josie
•Love Interest:
-Josie Saltzman (Kissed)
-Nicole Mikaelson (Crush/Girlfriend: S1)
-Chris Taylor (Crush: S2 and Boyfriend: S2-S4)
•Other Information:
-Her father died of a heart attack when she was eleven.
-She is pansexual.
-In Season 1, she transfers from Mystic Falls High School to Salvatore Boarding School.

Legacies: Nicole Mikaelson's Story (Season One) Where stories live. Discover now