Mombie Dearest (Part 1)

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Day 1-Dining Hall-

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Day 1
-Dining Hall-

The next morning, Hope and I were in the dining hall together, eating breakfast with Ally and Chris. I stayed quiet for the most part, thinking about last night's kiss-fest with Josie Saltzman, my ex-enemy. Does this mean we're dating? Or was it an one time thing? I have no idea. Just like I have no idea how the hell I'm going to tell my sister. I don't think she would be too upset about it, not if she knew I wouldn't get hurt. But what if I do? What if I get my heart broken again? Or what if it works out and we get married? Lizzie Saltzman would be my freaking sister in-law. Great, now I have a migraine. But I was soon pulled out of my thoughts and brought back to reality when I heard my sister talking to me.

Hope: *staring at her sister* Nic?

Nicole: *looks at her* Hmm?

Hope: Are you okay? You've been quiet all morning.

Nicole: Yeah. I'm fine. Just...thinking. *her eyes widen when she sees Josie walking over to their table, carrying her breakfast tray*

Josie: *sitting down beside Nicole* Morning, guys.

Ally & Chris: Hey, Jo.

Nicole: M-Morning, Josette.

Josie: *looks at Nicole, smiling* So, you know that tonight is mine and Lizzie's sweet sixteen...and I was hoping that maybe you'd be my date.

While Hope, Ally, and Chris were choking on their food in shock, I was gulping softly in uncertainty.

Nicole: Y-Yeah, sure. I'd like that.

Josie: *smiles* Great! Um, you can wear whatever you want. It doesn't matter.

I nod, flustering a little when she kisses me. Obviously she was too happy to notice. I was happy too, but I couldn't stand the confused stares I was getting from Hope, Ally, and Chris. Breakfast was pretty much quiet after that, except for Josie, Ally, and Chris, who were the only ones talking. I pretty much kept my eyes on my pancakes, bacon, and home fries, trying to avoid my sister's gaze. Pretty much as soon as breakfast was over, Hope and I went back to our dorm room.

Hope: *shuts the door and looks back at her twin* What the hell, Nic?

Nicole: *groans softly as she sits on her bed* Not now, Hope. I gotta pick something pretty to wear tonight. *says sarcastically*

Hope: Just answer one question. *crosses her arms* How did...whatever I just saw happen?

Nicole: Trust me. I have no idea. One minute we were apologizing for everything, next minute we were kissing on her bed. I...I don't know what to do. I don't even know how I feel now. *lays down on her bed*

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