Maybe I'm Amazed

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You immediately picked up your phone, searching for the AM album cover to show him the logo, then pointed to your socks and pointed the phone to him. He laughed and nodded. You dropped the phone and laughed, still not believing it.

He was so handsome in real life. His beard was trimmed, so you could see more of his facial structure. You glanced at the outline of a cigarette pack in his right jacket chest pocket. And wow, those eyes of his - one stare and you would just melt. You felt your heart rate speed up a bit, like hearing the first few notes of your favourite song live in concert. You whispered Oh my god and widened your eyes, and he just smiled in response.

"I- I'm so sorry that I didn't recognize you, Alex.... You're so handsome- I mean wow it's you in real life- sorry I'm rambling... " you said in slight shock, as this had never happened to you. But when does this really ever happen to anyone?! You wanted to start being the fangirl that you are with music, but composed yourself, enough to say the words: "I love your music, thank you for putting it out there!"

He responded, "Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy it". His dark brown eyes were staring straight at you, your cheeks probably turning red. How did anyone survive being in the front row at their shows?

"You looked a bit distressed, are you okay?" he asked, his smooth accent giving you those butterfly feelings. He stood up holding his belongings and walked towards the table, smiling at you. You looked up at him. My god, I think I might melt... you thought. "I think friend just cancelled plans so I'm just a bit annoyed. I didn't mean to cause a racket, I'm sorry" you explained, not giving too much away. After all, you were strangers even if you knew him.

"Oh what a shame, I'm sorry to hear that. May I?" he said softly, motioning to sit in the empty seat in front of you. You nodded and moved your things to the side. He sat down, putting his things on the table and pushed his hair back. "Alexander - that's adorable" you said, pointing to the cup. You always loved his full name and wondered why it was there. "Yeah, I say it sometimes to avoid getting recognized" he said, laughing shyly. "Well it bloody worked" you said laughing as you didn't recognize him the first time. He's too cute.. you thought as you smiled.

You told him about heading off to see a friend, but as he saw, plans got cancelled. You talked with him for a bit. Somehow, you also got into a conversation about The Beatles and where the good records stores are around London. You mentioned that time he covered one of their songs at the Olympics. "Yeah, it was amazing but I was so nervous" he explained. "It was fantastic, McCartney is probably so proud of you" you said, making him smile. "Thanks love" he said. 'Love'?... I'm going to faint... you thought. You did most of the talking, but you didn't mind. He would just smile a lot, but he listened attentively. Sometimes his hair would fall in his face and It was cute. You had now felt a bit calmer after the phone call you just had. "Enough about me, I think you've got the gist of my life so far, how about you? Is life everything you've come to expect?" you giggled at the joke, curious to know more about him. "Ha- good one. I'd say so, though I'm still making my way through it" he laughed.

"I'm sorry- but I want to ask, what are you doing in London? Aren't you making a new album right now?" you asked, trying not to seem like a stalker. You had just recently read about that too. Who doesn't want to ask a rockstar that question? He nodded. "Yeah that's right, we're starting the process in London, the other lads are here too. It's my day off, so I'm just heading out for a bit" he responded. How the hell did you meet Alex Turner from the Arctic Monkeys on the train on a Friday in the summer? You couldn't answer that either. You were surprised that you hadn't asked for a photo or autograph yet.

"May I get your autograph?" you asked him shyly. "Of course you can!" he responded cheerfully. Lily would possibly freak out if you told her about this. You had no paper, so he kindly ripped a piece from his notepad. It looked pretty loaded, with blue sticky notes in some pages. I wonder what's in that notepad of his... you thought, as he wrote down a note along with his signature and handed it to you.

Did he just "xo" for me

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Did he just "xo" for me.... you thought. His joke made you smile. That note was the equivalent of him giving you his number. You thanked him 3 times, trying not to fangirl. You had also realized by then that you had not told him your name. He knew your music taste, career path and friendship story - being too swept into the conversation to have even remembered to introduce yourself. "I'm y/n by the way.." you said shyly. "It's lovely to meet you y/n" he responded, smiling. You felt yourself blushing again.

That must be the Alex Turner effect...

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