The Long and Winding Road

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You woke up, sprawled on Alex's chest. His cute little snores made you smile. You groaned, remembering you were heading back today. The day consisted of talking to mum and meeting Jill one last time to complete your dissertation. You were too cosy to move, his body supplying you with warmth. His bed hair was adorable, all fluffy and soft. You left small kisses on his chest, and he slowly woke up. "Hi love..." he whispered, his eyes still closed. You kissed his neck and whispered back. "Good morning..." you purred. He pulled the cover up more as if to keep you there next to him. "Alex..." you laughed, moving the cover off and sitting on his stomach. His eyes opened and he pouted. "You need to go soon?" he asked, holding your waist. Gosh, my heart breaks to deny those eyes and lips... you thought. "Yes handsome" you said, getting off him. He whined for you to come back and you threw him your underwear from last night. "Here, keep this" you giggled. He took it and put it under his pillow. "Hopefully you'll come to give me a reward instead of the tooth fairy" he joked. "How many rewards do you need?" you laughed, changing your clothes. He got up and went to the bathroom.

"If they are from you, then endless amounts..." you heard him say from the bathroom. He walked out, changed into an outfit and hugged you from behind, as you were putting on your dress in front of the mirror. You loved that he was taller than you. You fit perfectly in each other when you hugged. He nuzzled his face in your neck and you wrapped your arms around his. "I wish you could come..." you said. But you were happy that Lily was coming to see you at graduation. "I know darling, I'll see you afterwards though" he said, looking up at you in the mirror. He wasn't coming not because he was busy, but because, and for the obvious reason, he was famous. If someone saw Alex with you, speculations would cover all the pages of those nosy magazines. You know how much he hated them. Snakes they are... he would say. You turned around and looked up at him, hands on his chest. "Can't wait" you said smiling, wishing someone would take a photo of the two of you at that moment.

You gathered all your things and thanked him for the days you spent together. "You're very welcome love, I am glad you could stay" he responded. He sat down to put on his boots and you stood behind him, playing with his hair. Your hand crept down to his neck and pushed some hair away, exposing it. You locked your lips on that one spot he couldn't resist and started to leave a love bite. He leaned back and groaned. "Love...I told you-..." he started to say, and instead closed his eyes, enjoying your warm lips on his skin. You smirked and let go after a bit. You looked at your masterpiece and grinned. "Told me what Alex?" you said, walking away, grabbing your a bandana from the bedside table. You sat on his lap and started tying it for him. He smirked, held your waist and watched you tie it up. "Sorry" you said, puppy-eyed and smiling. He couldn't resist that look. "No you're not" he laughed. "But it's okay..." he drawled, adjusting the bandana when you were done. You giggled and fixed his hair, "Good, 'cause that won't be the last time."

You got up and headed downstairs. Alex followed, grabbing his notepad and cigarettes from the kitchen. "Shall we head off then?" he said, waiting by the door. "One sec" you said, running to the kitchen, coming back with your phone. "If I forget this, I won't be able to send you photos of my graduation!" you said, putting on your boots. He laughed and kissed your head. "Getting excited are we?" he said, holding your hand as you headed out the door.

Goodbye house... see you again soon... you sighed, as you left.

He took the train with you halfway, as he was meeting the boys for lunch and then heading to the studio. You got into the train carriage and it was empty, other than a couple sat on the far end of it. He sat in a seat and you sat next to him, head on his shoulder. It was a 10-minute trip until you got to the station you had to get off at and switch train lines to get home. He placed his hand on your thigh, and you looked up at him. You met those dark brown eyes of his, and you smiled. I love you... you mouthed. I love you darling... he mouthed back and your noses touched. It was moments like this that you would have wished lasted forever. When he had his eyes on you, you felt like the only person in the world he could see. His hair fell to his face as the train made a turn. You giggled and moved it behind his ear. Then your hand fell to his lips, caressing them. He pulled you in for a kiss. You didn't care if the couple saw you. He gently pulled back and wiped the corner of your lips. "Sorry love, I keep making a mess, it's your lipstick" he whispered and chuckled. You leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "If this was the bedroom, I'd let you make a mess..." You felt his breath getting heavier. It was not your intention to get each other worked up, especially on the train, at the last moment you would spend together for a bit. But you knew he liked being teased. The voice on the train called out your stop, which was next. You moved back and looked at his eyes, pouting.

"I know love..." he said, pouting back. He got up with you and waited by the door. He held you close to him, feeling you for one last time. You looked at the bandana, masking the mark you'd made earlier this morning. "I hope Matt sees that" you joked, fixing it. "Don't worry love, hewill be more annoyed about the beard than the mark on my neck..." he smirked. You gasped, "but that's my favourite." He grinned, "I know." The voice called out again, the train slowing down. "Okay darling, that's you. Good luck, you'll be fine love!" he said, stroking your face. "Bye handsome, I'll call you!" you said, pecking him on the lips. The train doors opened, and his hands slipped off your body, as you walked out to the platform. You turned around and waved. He waved back, blowing you a kiss. You caught it, placing it in your heart. He stood there looking at you, hands in his pocket, leaning by the train doors as they closed. Just like that, the emotions hit you again.
"I'll see you soon!" you said, finishing up a call with Lily. You called her after arriving home, sending her the details about graduation. She wanted to know where to meet you after, so she could say hi for a bit and whizz off to work again. She tried to take a few days off to be with you, but her work only gave her one. Still, you thanked her for managing to take the time to see you. You made lunch, ate and left to see Jill. You spent a couple of hours working on the dissertation and made some final adjustments. You decided tonight you would focus on completing it and then handing it in tomorrow. Though your mind was clouded in memories of you and Alex from the past few weeks, you had to focus on the next few days. It'll all be over next week... you thought, walking home and pulling out your phone to call Alex.

"Hi gorgeous, how are you?" he asked you, as you set the phone down on speakerphone to change out of your clothes and settle into bed. "I'm good! Almost finished my dissertation, I just need to edit a few things and than hand it in tomorrow. I'm so glad it's almost over" you sighed, removing your pants and shirt, and putting on one of Alex's t-shirts, still smelling like him. "Oh love, I forgot to tell you, you left your essay open on my laptop as I opened it to check my emails" he said. You put your hand on your forehead. "Oh no, please tell me you didn't read wasn't my best work" you gasped. "I read a bit, but I actually really liked it, you write really well" he genuinely expressed. You could feel his smile through the phone. "Really? thank you handsome, that means a lot. Let's hope my teacher thinks so too" you said, biting your lip. "How was your day?" you asked. "It was alright. I wrote a new song today actually. After I watched you leave, I started humming a tune so I put some piano on it and it turned out nicely" he explained. You loved hearing him talk about his work. "How lovely, I'm looking forward to it!'' you said excitedly, settling down on your laptop, working on your dissertation. He sat on the end of the line, as you typed away for another half hour and read him lines as you edited.

"Thank you Alex, you've been so helpful. I hope I didn't bore you" you said, finally putting your laptop away, and getting ready to sleep. "Of course darling, it was fun" he said, followed by a guitar sound. "Want me to sing you a song to sleep?" he asked you. You agreed and put your phone next to you as you lay in bed, eyes closed. He played a few notes and started singing.

The long and winding road... that leads to your door... he sang. You hummed as he sang and strummed the guitar.

Don't keep me waiting here, lead me to your door... he sang, ending the song with a few notes. "Alex, come to my door..." you slurred, now sleepy. He laughed. "I would In a heartbeat my love" he whispered. You sent him kisses through the speaker. "I'll leave you to sleep darling, you've got a long week ahead of you" he drawled, his voice melting you into your pillow. "Goodnight, missing you" you said. "Goodnight sweetheart. I miss you more! Call me tomorrow again" he said and you hung up and went to bed. It started to rain outside, and the sound of water trickled down the window.

The world is a bit more gloomier without him by my side... you thought.

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