Moonage Daydream

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//smut scene

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You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing. It was Lily again. You groaned and picked up the phone from the bedside table to answer the call. "...Hello?" you said, still tired. "Hey, girl! You sound dead, partied without me last  night?" she said, and you almost yelled at her. "No... I was just up late working" you responded. Yeah, Alex was the one working hard... you had flashbacks. "I see, well get some rest! I just wanted to let you know that I just saw a famous singer! You'll absolutely freak when you hear who it is..." she said excitedly. You sat up in bed, now fully awake, awaiting the response. You remembered that his studio was near a cafe she went to on her way to work. "It was that Alex Turner, you know lead singer from the Arctic Monkeys!!" she said excitedly.

My god, it was him... you almost screamed. "Omg how exciting!" you just blurted out. "Did you talk to him or anything?" you asked quickly. "No, he was in a rush, he was with some of his crew, but he was holding a notepad. He looked so hot, you should have been there. I almost spat my coffee out seriously!" she responded. You felt you cheeks blush, yeah girl I was drinking his coffee... you thought. Of course, you were going to stay quiet about it. "They are probably making the new album, remember?" you reminded her. "Yeah totally - well I hope so, I'll let you know if I see him again!" and you both hung up.

She has NO idea... you grinned, putting the phone back down and looked to the side to realize Alex was not there. He was obviously at the studio, confirmed by Lily too. It was 10 am already. A note was on his pillow, and it read:

 A note was on his pillow, and it read:

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The xo again... melting... you thought and kissed the note. He trusted you being in his personal space, and you appreciated that and respected it. You placed the note on your phone and tried to get up from bed, but fell on the floor. Your legs were a bit wobbly. I wonder why... you smirked, remembering yesterday. You gave yourself a minute, then got up to go to the bathroom and then went to the kitchen counter.

An orange box was on there. Confused, you opened it up to the most stunning pair of sunglasses. They were sort of like his but rounded and light orange in colour. It was the style of glasses Lennon wore. You put them on immediately and went to the mirror. Your hair was a bit of a mess, but that didn't matter. The glasses fit perfectly and were your new favourite thing. "Thank you Alex" you said aloud, even though he wasn't there. He was so utterly kind to you, not just with the glasses, but even just the way he cared about you. He remembered what things you liked, the songs that made you happy, that specific smile he gave you when you looked at him. You knew it was with affection. You wanted to give him a hug as soon as he came back.

"Alright, let's not get distracted" you said, putting the glasses back in the box and putting on some music and having some food. He must have popped to the shops before he left, as the fridge was stocked up again. You had a bit of an appetite since you didn't eat much during the past few days, as your appetite was elsewhere, obviously. You just made a sandwich again, then finished, cleaned up and sat down on your laptop to send some emails for school and read a bit. You walked around a bit, finding a room that you had not entered before. The door was closed, and it had a sign saying Lunar Surface. You were so curious to see what was in there, but you waited until he came back to ask him. Hours went by, and it was 1:30 pm when you next looked at your phone. You were a bit hungry but remembered Alex said he would bring some food on his way back. So you just made a coffee to sustain your energy while you waited.

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