Carry That Weight

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You and Alex got to the diner early. You were meeting Lily and Erik for a lunch date. You had not seen Erik in months, as he was busy working like Lily, but on the other side of the city. Erik was a lovely man. He loved music too, and went to a few concerts with you and Lily. When you first met in that last year of school, and you were the one who actually told him about Lily. You knew him through one of your classes and he said he liked Lily, so you introduced the both of them, and they've been together since then. You just hoped she wouldn't be all over Alex and ignore Erik, otherwise you would be laughing so hard. You couldn't stop it if it happened either, Alex was a famous musician with hundreds of people falling for him every day. You felt very lucky he was yours and more...

Alex wore a blue short-sleeved button up shirt with black dress pants and his boots. He had a hair cut a few days ago, his hair still long but not as long as it was. His beard was also trimmed a bit too, but not completely. He knew you would hate it if he cut it off completely. You were so used to it now. "AM Alex? We don't know him" you joked. He looked at you confused. You explained that the fans called his AM album era that, with his greaser haircut and sexy stage persona. "Oh I see" he just said and you smiled. He remembered a lot of people making fun of his looks during the last tour. "Just ignore them handsome, you always look sexy. Especially right now. I really love this look. If people hate on it, I'll kick them" you said laughing and he grinned. "Love my girl standing up for me" he said, kissing you. "Always!" you said and got ready for the day.

The diner was a small place in central london, but popular. If Alex was going to be noticed of all days, it would be that day. You prepared yourself for that too, knowing if it did happen, to just be yourself and ignore them. Anyways, you were looking forward to seeing Lily and Erik again. You got inside and sat at the far table. There were a few people looking over and you knew exactly why. Alex sat next to you and ignored them. "I know love, just ignore em" he said, turning his attention to you. Luckily you put some effort into your outfit today, putting your hair up and a dress on with your boots. Alex put his arm on your seat. You looked at him, trying to ignore the girls who were staring at you. It didn't bother you, just felt out of place, obviously for you, but Alex was so used to it by now. "You okay?" he said. You nodded just kept looking at him. "I think it just kind of hit me that it's you- you know what I mean. It's really you" you said to him. He nodded, "I understand love, it's all new for you. Last time I checked, I am real" he said making you laugh. "Don't worry, I'll let you stare at me" he added and you nodded smiling. "You look beautiful today darling, as usual" he said, tucking some hair behind your ear. "Thank you... not so bad yourself" you grinned. Then Lily walked over.

You could tell she was trying not to freak out. "Hi Lily! I missed you" you said, getting up to hug her. She sat down and looked at Alex. "Well darn - it's really you. It's nice to meet you! I'm Lily, y/n's previous lover" she joked and he laughed. "Impossible. Erik didn't exist then?'' you laughed.

"Nice to meet you Lily, y/n's always talking about you" Alex said, shaking her hand. You watched Lily, trying not to laugh when she grabbed his hand. "Oh same about you Alan, she's not stop yapping on about you" she winked. Alex laughed at the story behind the code name, now becoming a joke between you all. "Where's your man" you asked. "Oh Erik is coming in a bit, he had to take a piss. Men do things at the strangest times" she said. "Lily! You couldn't have been more discreet?" you said pushing her arm. She laughed, "Oh yeah sorry, we're in the presence of a great rockstar, my bad,"making Alex all shy. A minute later, Erik walked over. "Sorry ladies, and gent. Hello y/n - Turner, nice to meet you" he said. Erik was a tall, slim man who usually dressed smart. He had dark short hair and wore glasses. He was a total nerd, and you totally had a crush on him at one point. You were so happy for Lily that she was happy. Alex and Erik shook hands and spoke for a bit. You talked to her in the meantime.

"How's life hun?" she asked you. You nodded, "It's lovely Lily. I'm doing well, got a job, better mental state and a loving and sexy boyfriend" you whispered the last part. You both giggled. "How's your work Lily? I heard that the company is splitting or something?" you asked her. "Yeah! We are merging with another branch, so my side will be having more time off, meaning I can hopefully see Erik more, and you too! We still need to take that vacation to Paris one day" she said, bringing back the memories of the conversations you had a few years back. "Oh, I'm also finally moving in with Erik next week! We found a little place closer to my work and he's going to do most of his work from home, so it will work out so well for us!" she said happily. You grabbed her hands. "I'm happy for you girl! You deserve the very best" you said to her. Apparently Alex and Erik were talking about the behind the scenes of the tour, as Erik was interested in how they set up and moved it all around. "Oh we've got tons of shit. I mean, truck-loads. It can take a whole day to set up. Credit to all the crew that help us, we wouldn't be able to do what we do without them!" you head Alex say. You smiled at how sweet he was and looked at Lily. "Bathroom break?" she asked and you nodded. "Be back in a bit gentlemen. y/n and I have already ordered" she said, pulling you up. Lily dragged you into the bathroom and shut the door.

"Y/N, what the heck, he's a total sweetheart. I love him already. You are so lucky, he seems so genuine and sweet and kind and caring and funny-" she started and you cut her off. "LILY! I get it okay! Yes, he's a sweetheart. I must admit, I fall in love with him more and more everyday..." you said and you both giggled. You walked back out and ate some food then continued to talk.

The diner got a bit busier, and no one really looked at Alex. It may have been because he looked a bit different since his last tour and he was more laid back around people. He used to be a bit tense around people who recognized him. Always kind, but of course getting stopped during the day was sometimes annoying. Suddenly a girl walked up to the table. "Alex, may I get your autograph?" she asked. Alex smiled and nodded. He did as she asked and she left. "Alex, may I get your autograph? I'm kidding, meeting you was way better" Lily joked, making him laugh. "A friend of y/n is a friend of mine, of course you can" he said and signed something for her. She smiled, "Aww thank you Alex! Putting this on my wall" she said, winking at you. "Okay lovers, let's go" she said, and paid for the meals. You all walked down to the park and chatted for a bit. Then the sun was setting and the clouds were looming over, so you all decided to head your ways. You said goodbye to Lily and said you would meet her soon to plan a trip. You and Alex went back home and sat in the sitting room. You came over to Alex and sat on his lap.

"They are a lovely couple, Lily is a good friend to you" he said looking up at you. You stroked his head. "I know, I love her to bits, she's the sweetest thing. Erik is a total sweetheart too" you said to him. He nodded, "I bet he captured all the girls' hearts in school" he grinned and you nodded. "Oh yeah, for sure! I introduced the two of them" you said, kissing his cheek. Your phone buzzed and you picked it up.

"Speak of the devil" you said, reading the text.

Lily: Alex is so sweet! and really hot, don't tell Erik lol. text me soon for trip details! Say hi to alex for meee xo

You: ha- back off my man! alright, was nice to see you! xo

You laughed and Alex asked what she said. "She just says hi" you said, and Alex took your phone. He laughed, "I'm totally telling Erik" he grinned. Then you got 3 messages from Lily. "Girl chill" you said, picking it up. It was a news article. Finally, the public found out about you and Alex. "Well shit" you said, reading the article. "What is it love" he said, trying to read as well. "'Arctic Monkeys frontman, Alex Turner, seen out with a mystery girl'" you read and looked up at him. Hours ago you were having a nice meal with him and now Alex's private life was exposed. You both just started at eachother for a minute then burst out laughing.

"Yeah, that was bound to happen at some point. I agree, she is mysterious" he teased. You put the phone down, not wanting to read further than the headline. It didn't matter to you what they said. You were the mystery girl in his life and was totally fine with that. You just pulled him in for a hug. "You okay darling?" he asked hugging you back. You drew back and he held your face in his hands. "Hey, ignore those articles. I don't care what they want to say. All that matters to me is you" he said softly. "I know, I won't let it get to me. I just can't stand gossip" you said looking at him. He nodded, "I agree doll, so let's forget about then shall we?" he said and you nodded.

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