One Point Perspective

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Flying into New York was a bit of a havoc. Not only did you have anxiety, but Alex lost one of his sunglasses and the manager forgot to let the guys know that they had to be in the venue an hour earlier. It was a lot of hurrying around, Alex mostly mingling with the other guys, going over the itineraries and such. Upon landing, you took a taxi to the hotel and Alex went straight to the venue.

He lost his dark sunglasses, the smaller ones with black lenses. He looked so sad when he realized he must have left it at the last venue. Your heart broke seeing him annoyed about it. You didn't go to his show, but watched videos that Katie sent to you. It looked super fun, just like then last show. The Monkeys' were only 4 shows into the tour, but they were doing so well and had amazing reception from the audience. Alex got to the hotel at around 12:30am, exhausted. The first leg of the tour was already done. You were laying in bed with Alex in your lap, and you were massaging his head. He closed his eyes, enjoying your hands on his head.

"Mmm, this is lovely..." he drawled, fading deeper into the sensation of your hands. "I'm going to see mum tomorrow" you said. He took your hands and kissed them. "Tell Vera I said hi and that I apologize that I can't be there" he responded. "I will! It's okay babe, gotta do the promo and shit, people wanna know!" you said, referring to him doing a few interviews over the next week for the new album. This also meant that you weren't going to see Alex for another two weeks, until the next set of shows. You had to head back home to work a bit anyways, so that would keep you busy until then.

He sat up and turned around to look at your face. "I will miss you..." you said quietly and he fell back on top of you. "Not If I stay right here on you, then you don't need to leave me..." he grinned. "I wish" you said and held him for a bit longer. You were going to pop into the Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino pop-up shop in New York before heading off. In celebration of the album release, a few pop-up stores around the world were set up with their merch and photos of the band taken by Zack. Some cities included Sheffield, New York and Paris. "I won't be with you when the album gets released - so congratulations, again, in advance. Of course I'll send many messages" you said and he smiled. "My number 1 fan you are... thanks love, means the world to me. I am nervous and excited..." he said, getting cozy in bed.

He woke up the next morning and left immediately, catching the other guys to start the week. You pulled him in and kissed him deeply on the lips. "That's for all the kisses you'll be missing out on..." you said sleepily and he stroked your head. "Take care my love, see you soon. I'll message you" he said and left. You groaned when he left the room, feeling empty again.

You slept in a bit more then woke up to a call. It was Alex. "Still in bed? I wish I could trade places with you" he said. "How do I have the energy to wake up if you're not with me..." you whispered and you heard a soft laugh from him. "I know darling... at least one of us did something productive today" he grinned. You gasped and got up immediately. "Okay rude - that's one less kiss when you see me next" you teased. You could feel the pouty face he was probably making. "No, I'm sorry, I love you, you get all the kisses" you said quickly and he laughed. "Okay you goof, get up soon! I have to go now" he said, followed by kissing sounds. You sent kisses back. "Bye babe..." you said, and hung up. You got up and got ready to leave.

You headed to see mum. She lived in an apartment complex in the quieter part of the city. It was a sunny day, making your mood a little better. You got to her place at around 2pm and had lunch with her. She lived in a little place, like your studio back in London where you first lived before moving in with Alex. "And you say my place is small! I like it though" you told her, eating some cakes you brought with you. She could tell you were a bit down. "Hey darling, keep your head up. It will mean so much more when you see each other the next time!" she said, having some tea. You were heading to see the pop-up store tomorrow. After a few hours with her, talking about life and such. She noticed little things like you picking up smoking, spending less time outside and always gazing as if you wandered into a fairytale.

"Yes mum, all those things are true. It's called I've fallen hopelessly in love... he's everything to me..." you started. She sat there, just listening to you. She never disagreed with you, more like tried to figure things out. "I know love. Just don't get too caught up in it... you have other things in life" she said and gave you some tea. You stayed with her the night, sleeping on her sofa. Alex didn't call, and you knew he was busy, so you decided not to bother him and go to sleep. You woke up early, the sun shining into the room as you drank some coffee. You said bye to mum and left. You decided to go to the pop-up store at midday, hoping it would be a bit quiet. You were in the taxi on your way and Alex called.

"Hi love, how's it going?" he said from a distance. "Why do you sound like your calling from space" you teased and he laughed. "Sorry love, I was fixing my glasses. I dropped them and now they won't stay on my face." "What is it with you losing or breaking your glasses... just glue them to your face" you laughed. "Good idea" he said and got closer to the speaker. "I'm going to see the pop-up store right now!" you said. "Oh that'll be fun. The photos are so good, I hope you like them" he responded. "I love anything that includes you, of course I will. I haven't seen anything about it yet, so I'm excited!" you said, as you reached the store. "Oh wow, why is the lineup so long?" you said and he grinned. You liked the idea that you were on a phone call with him, the Alex Turner, while you were seeing his pop-up store. None of these people knew, and you smirked at that thought. They knew Alex had a girl in his life, but no photos of you were really out there. Just a couple, from when you were at the concert, but thats it. The 'mysterious girl' you shall remain... you thought. "Enjoy love. I'll talk later. Say hi to my fans" he grinned.

You lined up with the other people. You heard people talking about the shows and kept your head down. There was a fan in line who had just seen them in LA, and called it "the best show ever." You grinned and wanted to agree aloud with her. You reached the front of the line and walked inside to see photos on the wall with their album in many formats and merch as well. You went straight to the photos, not lining up to see the album. The band looked so great. Most photos were them at the studio in Paris. They must have taken those photos before you joined Alex during the last few days. Thankfully no one recognized you, so you were able to enjoy the photos in peace. There was a girl who was standing infront of a photo of Alex standing outside on the balcony at the Paris studio and singing. She was beaming at the photo, just like you did. You walked up to the photo and looked at it. She turned to look at you.

"Doesn't he look amazing" she just said and you turned and smiled at her. She smiled back and looked back at the photo. She was friendly and asked about your favourite songs. You said a few. She still had no idea who she was talking to. She said she was going to a few shows and you said to her to have fun. You said your goodbyes and moved along.

You were screaming on the inside, completely in love with every photo. You could almost hear his laugh or what he was saying or doing in the photos, making you miss him more. You walked out and sighed. I miss him... you thought, and headed to the airport. You sent Alex a message just before you got on the flight.

You: it was so great, loved it! i met a really lovely fan. i'm boarding soon x

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