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//smut scene

Alex prepared some things to make dinner. You tried to help but were still a bit upset about the call earlier. You decided to turn off your phone for a bit, just to focus on being with Alex and trying to enjoy that. You were getting sleepy, so you helped him and ate together. He told you to go sleep as he tidied things up, seeing you were tired. You had been moving things all week, from one end of the city to his place, and doing your own chores as well.

Alex walked into the bedroom, seeing you had already gotten into bed and you sat up a bit. "You can talk to me whenever you want darling" he said, sitting beside you, stroking your head. "I know Alex" you said and went back to bed. He kissed your head and whispered in your ear. "Sweet dreams my love" and walked back out. I love you... you whispered. Alex heard it and responded, "I love you!" he said from the hall, making you smile.

You managed to sleep for a few hours, waking up to the sound of something falling. It was 1 am, and Alex was not beside you. You got out of bed, half asleep, and walked down to the sitting room. You found Alex sitting on the floor amongst all the cardstock paper mess, working away on his little model.

"Alex, why are you still up?" you asked gently, trying not to scare him. "Hello love- I'm sorry, did I wake you?" he said as you walked over to him, sitting by him. "I had an idea that I just had to put together now, I'm sorry for waking you up. The glue stick fell from the table" he said, fiddling with two pieces of cardstock while trying to glue them together. He had his hair tied up in a tiny bun so it was out of his way while he worked. You smiled and held one piece for him. He looked at you and smiled. "It's okay Alex, I couldn't sleep well anyway. May I help?" you asked, and he nodded. You worked with him for another half an hour, cutting things and glueing them together.

"Okay, let's actually go to bed now..." he said, holding your hand, and heading to the bedroom. "Goodnight, don't disappear again" you said, snuggling into his neck. "I won't darling, goodnight" he said, hugging you.


You were going on the Greece trip with your mum in the next couple of days for a week or so. Alex was able to get some time off, but said he had to go the studio in France right after, leaving a day in between for him to get things together and have some rest. Chelsea was able to making some times for him to leave for the trip. He could have stayed in town and did some more album work, but he wanted to take that trip with you. You did rave about it so much which made him more curious. "The house on the hill? Isn't that a Beatles song?" he asked, after you told him the house was on the top of a large hill, with ocean view for miles. "No you goof, it's 'fool on the hill'" you laughed.

Alex had headed out for most of the day to sort out which instruments were being taken with the band to France. You decided to stay in and just relax, watching a movie. Hours went by and he was still not back. You checked your phone and saw a message from him.

Alex: be back at 5, out with the boys x

You were happy that he had some time to spend with the others between album work, and you could spare a few more hours lounging around until he came back. You went to his studio and played a few songs on your grandad's guitar. Alex tuned it for you and you realized that it sounded much better. Then you went up to the bedroom and saw his suitcase on the floor. He wasn't leaving yet but he was usually prepared with these types of things. You slipped in a photo of yourself in it, hoping he would see it and remember you that way.

You heard a car in the driveway at around 5 and saw Alex. He walked into the house. "I'm home!" he said, setting his keys down, along with a large guitar case. You walked to him and helped him. "Hi handsome, how are you?" you asked, kissing his cheek. "I'm good, brought my guitar home. How are you love?" he said, picking you up. He carried you to the sitting room and sat down. He held your hips and smiled at you. "I missed you" you said, trying to bring him closer. He held your chin and smirked. "Missed you more. Missed all of you. But I see you everyday love" he said, bringing his hand down to your hips again. "You're about to spend a week with me, not sick of me yet?" you joked. He shook his heard and let out a big yawn. "And i'm boring you? Just joking babe, are you tired?" you asked him. "Yeah, I was moving things all day..." he laughed, kissing your neck. "Can I help you feel better?" you asked, pulling his belt. He knew exactly what you meant and nodded. You got up and led him to the bedroom.

He took his clothes off, sitting down on the bed in only his underwear. He leaned against the bed frame and looked at you. You smirked sat on him, and planted kisses on his neck first. Then you took himself out of his underwear. You started stroking him slowly, eyes locked on his. "Doll... you're such a tease" he drawled as you smirked. He groaned, his hands making their way to your hips. "Love..." he said, his head resting back on the bed frame. "Relax baby, you deserve a reward..." you drawled, kissing his neck. His breathing was getting heavier and you could tell he was close, as his facial expressions had changed. You were turned on by now, but ignored that feeling since it was his turn to feel good. He groaned one last time and came all over your hand. "Oh yes..." he drawled and you kissed his soft lips gently, allowing him to breath still.

"You..." he started, trying to catch his breath. "Me?" you grinned, pushing his hair back to reveal his dark eyes. "Thanks doll" he said, still engulfed in pleasure and grinning at the big smile on your face. "It's okay handsome, you're welcome" you giggled and pulled him in for a kiss. You cleaned up, made him a cup of tea and a sandwich, and then soon after you, both went to bed.

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