I Will

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//my heart was so happy while writing this. enjoy <3 :')

Paris - the city of love. Extra love apparently for Alex, as he was treating you real sweet those few nights. First night he took you to dinner, and went for a walk by the river. The next day, you went to a cafe then walked around the city for a bit. He brought you back to the hotel then said he wanted to take you to a spot, where he found had the best sunset view. You agreed and put on a dress, with your tall boots and a jacket. He wore his dark trousers, a white shirt and his boots. He looked so sexy that night, you wanted to just be all over him.

You contained yourself, and both walked to a little bridge. It was facing the sunset. It was quiet, most people out at the restaurants and by the river. You stood with him, looking at the sunset. He brought his camera on the trip, taking photos of every place you went to. You took off your jacket and he took a photo of you with the sunset. Then you turned and looked at him, his eyes reflecting the sunset's bright colours. He smiled and looked at you, as if to speak. He stood there a bit and you spoke first. "This trip was very nice, my love. Thank you, you're the loveliest Alexander..." you said. He put the camera down and took ahold of your hands and spoke. And it happened.

"Y/n, the love of my life. My heart, my soul, my everything. I am so glad to have met you and kept you around. I have been endlessly blessed with your support, kindness and love, and you have shown me that life is so much better when you are with someone who shows you all of those things and more. I often sit and wonder, how such a beautiful girl like you, was hurt, betrayed and left alone. I realize that you were resilient, positive and waiting for the right moment to spend all your energy on someone- that someone who is lucky to be me. I couldn't thank you more. I will love you endlessly my darling, as I hope you do too, and would let me.

I will repeat what I said before, which was: I promise darling, to always look out for you, assist you, protect you and adore you as long as you will have me..." he started, and you were getting emotional, knowing what was happening. He kept going for a bit, words of love and affection pouring out of him. "...and y/n, I would like to ask..." he started and he took out a little box from his trousers pocket and got down on one knee. You started to tear up, having a better sense of what was happening.

"Will you marry me?" he said, looking up at you with those eyes and a smile on his face. He opened the box to a gorgeous silver ring, with a tiny gem in the middle. You continued to let the tears roll down your face, and nodded eagerly, holding his hands. "Yes I will Alex! I will!!!" you said, as he put the ring on your ring finger. He stood up and smiled. You kissed him and dragged him closer. "I will" you said again and he laughed. He picked you up and spun around. You kept kissing his face and he was just smiling at you.

"Alex!!!" you said outloud and he laughed. "Oh my god, I-" you started but the tears stopping you from speaking. He wiped your face. "I love you y/n. So so much, and forever" he said and you smiled. "I love you Alexander Turner... forever" you said and kissed him again.
You spent the rest of the evening, watching the sunset fade in the clouds. It started to get more cloudier. You decided to head back to the hotel, which was a 20 minute walk away. You walked down the street, then it started to rain. "Oh no!" Alex said, and the two of you quickly paced down the street. You stopped for a moment under a store awning, and caught your breath. He looked at you, hair all wet and laughing. "You've recruited Gene Kelly's help didn't you" you grinned, remembering this had happened before. You held hands and quickly got to the hotel. You walked into the room and took off your jacket and boots.

"Well, that ended not so romantically, sorry love" he said and you pulled him close, still wet. You jumped into his arms and looked at him. "Alex... not even the pouring rain could ruin my happy heart" you drawled. You raised an eyebrow and asked him, "Is this why you've been so secretive?" you asked and he nodded. He sat down on the bed, still holding you. "Alex! The bed!" you said and he got up and sat on the chair, so it got wet instead of the bed. "Yes darling it was. I told mum and dad over Christmas I was going to do this. That's maybe why mum was being extra loving that evening. Then I told Matt. Then Miles - I told him about my plan, and he was the one who told me about the places to go..." he said and you brushed his damp hair back.

You started to tear up again. "You are amazing..." you drawled. He stroked your cheek and held your hand. "Should have asked me the day we met" you joked and he laughed. "I had a feeling you were something special..." he responded. "Do you like it doll?" he said, looking at the ring. "Of course I do Alex! It's absolutely beautiful and perfectly chosen by you" you said, smiling at him.

The rest of the evening was the both of you indulged in eachother's love. You were so happy, so at peace and so in love with Alex.


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