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You woke up from a nap you took after Alex left in the morning. You suddenly lost all energy to do anything. Seeing Alex helped you get along with your day. Now, the hours passed by so very slowly and so was your anxiety increasing. It usually would arise when you were lonley. You called Lily to see if she could hang out. You had a short conversation with her, but the gist of it was that she was working the next few days and had some events to head to. So no, she was not available. Then you remembered Miles. He was coming tomorrow, according to Alex. You took out your phone and dialed the number, just to introduce yourself and all.

"Ello?" a voice said. "Oh hi, it's y/n. Alex's girl" you started. "Oh Alex's girl yes! - y/n m'lady! Yes, this is Miles, i'm so glad you called! It's so lovely to meet you - meet your voice that is. Has Alex left?" Miles said. He sounded chirpy and outgoing, a bit like Mike down at the coffee stand. "And you as well Miles! It's an honour I should say. Alex left a few hours ago yes, he said you were coming over tomorrow?" you responded, a bit nervous. "Oh good, best of luck to him! Yes I am, dying to meet the girl my pal has been raving about lately! I'm in town right now actually, do you happen to be free later today?" he said. "Yes actually, did you want to come over?" you asked. "Would love to! I'll come by around dinner? I'll bring some food" he said cheerfully. "Oh Miles, that would be lovely! I'll see you then!" you responded and said your goodbyes. Mikes Kane?! How exciting! I will get to meet TLSP after all...

You texted Alex, to see if he landed and was doing okay.

You: all good?

Alex: all good love, landed & heading to hotel. you okay? x

You: okay :) also Miles is coming over for dinner, i'm nervous as shit

Alex: oh is he! kind of him! he's a troublemaker, but you'll love him darling. say hi to him from me! xo

You: will do! miss you tons! xxxxx

Alex: me tooo... xoxoxo. take care!

You remembered the sitting room was a mess and had to tidy it up before Miles was coming around. He didn't exactly say what he was bringing, but you were more interested in meeting and talking to Miles. You decided to wear a long pink dress and put your hair up. It was a bit cloudy outside, had been like that since you came back to London. You set the table up and put on some music. It was around 5pm when you heard a taxi pull up outside the house. You peeked out the window to see a tall man wearing a white short sleeved dress shirt brown dress pants and white converse. I like his style... you thought as he walked up to the door. You heard knocks at the door and went towards it. You took a deep breath and opened it, to greet Miles.

"Y/n!" he said cheerfully. "Mr Miles Kane!" you grinned. "Oh it's so nice to meet you! Come in" you said, letting him come inside. He put the bag down and took your hand, kissing it. "How are you? Alex was right about you" he said, walking towards the kitchen. Miles had obviously been to Alex's place a lot before, as he knew his way around. "Right about what?" you said curiously, as you watched him pull things out of the bag. He had a buzzcut, the haircut that he had sported in the past few years. He laughed and turned around. He gave you a cheeky smile.

"I'm just going to say what he said: sexy little thing she is" he said and you opened your mouth astonished. "He really said that? Has he looked in the mirror lately?" you giggled shyly, making him laugh. "Yeah love, he's mad about you. I haven't even been here for 5 minutes and I can tell why" he said, looking at you and the items around the room - music, photos and a photo of you and Alex. You looked down shyly, but smiled. Miles and Alex swooning over you? What the heck...

You sat down with him, had some food and spoke for a bit. You introduced eachother as if Miles was not a famous singer and as if Alex had not told him a lot about you already. Alex was right, Miles was goofy and sweet, so much like Alex. He told you about his early days of music. He was genuine and kind and you were becoming more comfortable around him. You tried not to be a fangirl and just listen to him speak. He asked you about school and your future plans.

"I don't really have any at the moment, I may start work soon. Can't live here for free and whine about Alex all day" you joked, taking a drag from your cigarette. "But I would love Alex to be a part of it. All the parts" you grinned and he laughed, also smoking a cigarette. "Listen love, he's a sweetheart. I've truly seen him light up since you met him. He always mentions something about you in a conversation. I don't know what you've done to him..." he laughed, sipping his wine. "Oh gosh, I hope I haven't changed him... not in a bad way... you know what I mean?" you said looking down.

Miles put his hand on your shoulder and smiled. "You know what he said to me the other day? He said 'she's not just the other half of me, she's every part of me'" he said and you looked up.

You smiled and nodded. "The same for me. He's so special Miles, I just can't put into words how much I care about him..." you said, feeling emotional again. Miles noticed and nodded. "I know what you mean sweetheart. I was in that position once, a long time ago now, but I learned to cherish every moment. I am sure you already do. I also know it will be hard to be away from him for a period of time, but you'll get through it" Miles said with compassion. You felt so much better, hearing him say those words.

You ended up talking about the Beatles a bit, as Miles was from Liverpool and you were curious on his love of them and his favourite songs and all. You made a list of songs he liked to listen to and he wrote down all yours too. You told him that the Beatles brought you and Alex closer, singing their songs most days and talking about them too. Just then, you got a text from Alex. "Speak of the devil..." you said, typing away on your phone as Miles watched you. "He types slow doesn't he" he grinned. You nodded smirking.

Alex: hi baby, how's it going? Is Miles behaving himself?

You: hi and yes, he's an actual sweetheart. we've just had dinner and now talking about the beatles

Alex: oh good, he reminds me of Lennon sometimes! could you tell him I left a book for him in the studio? miss you darling

"He said he's left you a book in the studio" you said, looking up at Miles. He looked at you confused and made his way there. "Ohh! Yes, I got it" he said from the room.

You: okay he got it. you doing okay?

Alex: yes love, just resting a bit. going to head into studio tomorrow. excited! talk soon xo

"He's so precious when he talks about his work" you said out loud as Miles made his way back into the room, sitting down with a book in hand. Miles nodded.

You: ok handsome, take care! xo

You put your phone down and looked at the book. "What is it about?" you asked. "Oh it's about music and movies. Alex read it, been inspired by it, and suggested it to me!" he explained. "Oh how cool! I've heard some of the album, it's amazing! Especially that One Point Perspective solo thing" you said with excitement. "Oh same love! I'm so excited. He's really done something amazing with this one"  he said and you nodded. Alex had pre-recorded a lot of vocals for the album from home, on that little tape recorder that was on the chair that you saw the first time you entered his studio. He said he was hoping to put it with instruments when he went off to the studio.

It was 9 pm and Miles was heading off to leave. "Y/n, it's been so lovely to meet and speak with you! I would love to catch up again sometime soon. Text me!" Miles said, kissing your hand again. You giggled and nodded. "Same to you Mr Kane! Thanks for coming over, it's been really nice!" you said and you said your goodbyes.

Alone again, naturally...

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