The Night Before

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//smut scene

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You woke up the following morning realizing you were in one of his t-shirts and a clean underwear he gave you after last night's events...

You opened your eyes, staring at the ceiling. It seemed to be sunrise as the room was lit in light orange colour and the birds were chirping. You smiled, as you picked up your phone, which was on the bedside table. The time showed 6:40 am. It was Thursday morning. You were still thinking about yesterday. Did it all really happen?... you thought.

Then you heard shallow snores coming from next to you. Alex was sleeping on his stomach, shirtless, with one hand under the pillow and facing you. Some of his hair covered his face, and his gold chain dropped onto the pillow. You realized you must have ended up sleeping in his bed. He is so darn cute... you thought, tilting your head to admire him, pushing his hair back to reveal his gorgeous face. You were so much more obsessed with him than you were yesterday. You already had felt so close to him, like you never had with anyone in your life before. You felt like you had known him for years. You surprisingly had a lot in common. He wanted to see you again, and so did you. Then he slowly woke up and opened his eyes. He noticed you were in front of him and smiled. "Oh hi" he said, removing his hand from under the pillow and pulling you closer.

"Good day sunshine" you sang quietly, giggling. His hand trailed down your back. "I didn't realize I slept in your bed, i'm sorry" you said softly. He smiled, "It's okay love, you passed out soon after... anyways, you kept me warm" he whispered. "Are you feeling better?" he asked softly. "Yeah..." you whispered, his touch making you start to feel like you did last night. "Please thank your hand too" you joked, smirking. He remembered last night and laughed. "Oh, glad to hear it..." pulling you even closer, so your noses were touching. His heated body made you feel tranquil and warm.

You brushed your fingers on his lips and sat up. He looked up at you, with those dark eyes, anticipating what you would do next. He turned onto his back and you moved the cover off of him, revealing his toned body. He was only in his underwear, and your eyes couldn't help but scan down to his bulge, already looking like he was hard. You sat up on his lap, hands on his chest. With the limited clothing that you both had, you could feel him on you, making your skin tingle. You just sat there, looking at each other for a minute. He reached for his camera and took a photo of you. "Hey, I don't look my best right now..." you pouted. He smiled and took another one. "You're adorable" he said, putting the camera down. His hands moved the t-shirt up so he could wander to your behind, making you automatically move your body closer to him.

He looked at you so attentively, that you knew he wanted more. "My turn to make you feel good Turner..." you whispered, your hand palming him below. He groaned and nodded. You pulled his underwear down a bit, and took him in your hand, giving him a few tugs. Once again, you felt wet again just by looking at him. He looked at you, with passion and eagerness and suddenly said, "I need you-..." in his deep accent, as he moved your hips on him, making you moan in response. You were both still a bit sleepy but aware of each other's presence. Hearing those words made you need him too, and you looked up at him, asking if he was sure. "Oh yes love..." he said, and you raised an eyebrow. "What do you want Turner..." you drawled, turned on more than ever. He sat up a bit and smirked. "I want you to ride me doll..." he whispered. You bit your lip and smirked, then nodded. How could you deny that face he gave you and those words he utterred out?

He smiled and opened the bedside table's drawer, for protection. You trailed up to grab it, then lingered back down his body, opened the protection and put it on for him. You then shuffled out of your underwear and sat on top of him again. "You ready doll?" he groaned, and you nodded impatiently. He gently guided you on him. "Oh fuck-..." you moaned, he was looking at your reaction, how nicely he filled you him, how well you took his length. The sudden change of feeling within you made you throw your head back, moaning and eyes starting to tear up. It hurt a little bit but being so engulfed in pleasure made it quickly fade away. "Good girl...taking me so well..." he groaned. "I'm going to move now love..." he drawled and started moving you. Again, you were in his control. It's like he knew exactly the spot to be at because you felt that feeling in your stomach slowly approaching again just like last night.

He held your hip with one hand and used the other to bring your head down, so you were facing him. "Look at me...that's it love..." he groaned. You looked at him biting your bottom lip, hands on his chest, still riding him. "Shit you feel so good in me..." you managed to choke out, eyes still on him. Your body was getting more and more heated. He kept going for a bit, your eyes never leaving his, mascara probably running down your face, but you didn't care. His hand moved to the side of your neck, gently gripping it. You slowly felt your climax slowly approaching, and moaned his name out. You started grinding your hips on him. "I- I'm close Alex..." you said, and he said your name. "Me too love, let go on me doll..." he groaned. You both weren't even awake for 10 minutes and somehow ended up closer than you'd ever been. You moaned loudly and let go on him, which triggered him too, groaning your name out loud. You collapsed on him, both heavily breathing. He took himself out, and you looked up at him once you had caught your breath.

"Alex... you're remarkable...I loved that" you said and cupped his face with your hands. He grinned, brushing your hair out of your face and poking your nose. "Me too doll... but It's all you love" he responded. "You okay?" he asked, noticing you were a bit sad. "I am very okay. I... I just don't want to leave... I'm sorry" you said, pouting. "Oh love, don't be. You can stay if you want, I'll make you breakfast and we could go for a walk. I'd love to spend more time with you" he said, wiping the tears from your eyes. He smiled and pulled you in for a hug, your head on his chest. "I like you sooo much..." slipped out of your mouth. You could hear his heartbeat again.

"I like you very much y/n... and I adore being with you" he responded. You put your head up and smiled at him. "Hopefully not just being in me" you smirked. "Of course not love" he grinned, "I like all of you silly. Now go get freshened up, change into my shirt hanging there if you need" he said, giving you a peck on the forehead. "Right back at you handsome, thank you..." you whispered and went to his bathroom to clean up. Your face and hair in the mirror looked a bit of a mess, making you laugh, but didn't really care. What an eventful morning... you thought. You picked up the shirt. It smelled like cigarettes and cologne. Somehow the combination of those smells was divine. You took off the t-shirt, placed it on the counter and put the shirt on, with underwear and your socks. You buttoned up halfway, your black laced bra peaking out a bit. He had not seen you completely naked yet and wanted to give him a glimpse of what you had. You smirked, as you freshened up, fixed your hair, and then walked out.

When you approached the bed, he was standing by the open window, smoking. He had put on some sweatpants but was still shirtless. His hair was somehow still perfect as well. All this mess, and he looks like a Greek god?... you thought and walked over to him. He blew the smoke out the window. He leaned against it as you stood in front of him, looking up at him. "My face was a mess, I'm so sorry" you giggled, even though you knew he didn't care as he was watching you being so in pleasure by him. "Don't worry love. You hungry?" he asked, handing you the cigarette. You took it from him and ran your hands on his chest, his chain glimmering in the sun. He was too irresistible. For a different appetite yes... you thought, licking your lips. "Yes please, you gave me an appetite..." you said softly, blowing the smoke out of the window. The sun had risen, and the sky was once again blue. It was another beautiful day, and you were about to spend it with Alex. You never had imagined this would happen to you.

"Stunner" he said, looking directly at where you unbuttoned the shirt. You giggled, put the cigarette in your mouth and opened more buttons, exposing more of the bra. "Is that any better?" you said and saw his eyes light up. "Much better" he smirked. "Now let's go before I get distracted again..." he grinned and you went to the kitchen.

Oh when you look at me like that my darling, what did you expect?...

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