Come Together

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A week later it was Christmas eve. You spent more time with his parents, and met some of his family friends. They were all so kind and fun, you loved being there. When you weren't at his parents place, he took you around the city, places he went to as a child and with the Monkeys. The snow from the previous week melted, and it was just raining. You sat at a cafe with him. It reminded you of Coco's, but cozier. It was probably because it was the holiday season, so the decorations and warm lighting made it feel that way.

You chatted for a bit then someone walked up to you both. "Turner!" the man said. He seemed like he knew him personally. "Fred!" Alex said back and they shook hands. "This is Fred, we went to school together" he explained to you. "Hi, nice to meet you!" he said, shaking your hand. You excused yourself and Alex spoke a bit with Fred then came outside to you. It stopped raining, so you smoked a cigarette and waited.

"Fred think you're cute" Alex grinned, walking up beside you. "Did you tell Fred I'm taken?" you smirked. "No, I told him I'm taken... by you" he said. You put the cigarette in his mouth and put your arms around him. "Good" you just said and he finished smoking then put it out. "So you must know everyone around here then" you grinned, noticing at how many people would stop him to talk or take a photo. He nodded, as you already expected.

Christmas Eve rolled around and you spent it with his parents. You wore a dress with heels, and Alex wore that all-black outfit. It was a lovely dinner, followed by gift opening. Alex gave his parents a new coffee maker and gave his dad a collection of books. You gave them the little wave ornament, and they loved it. "Oh, how it reminds me of the seaside, thank you dear!" Penny said and hung it on the door handle. Then his parents gave you a small box. You opened it to a beautiful gold pin of a bee. A bright yellow gem was on it's head. You pinned it to your jacket and thanked them. "It represents survival, love and good luck. All the things one needs in life. We wish all those upon you too" Penny said and you thanked her immensely.

You both headed back to the hotel and exhausted from talking and spreading love all day. You were flying back home tomorrow. He sat on the bed and put out a small red box. "Come here darling" he said, and you sat across him. He handed you the box. "Alex... didn't we agree on-" you started and he nodded. "One more gift love. Open it" he insisted, you did. A stunning gold necklace with a blue heart pendant, as blue as the waters in Greece. He put it on for you and you took out your mirror to look. "Wow... it's beautiful Alex... thank you so much" you said hugging him.

"Merry Christmas my darling girl. Thankful for you everyday" he said, picking up his wine glass. "Merry Christmas Alexander..." you said, clinking the glasses and spending the rest of the evening getting lost in each other's love.

You flew back home the following day. It was rainy and cold in London, not very White Christmas like. The airport was packed, as expected, and people were too excited to head home or be heading home.

When you arrived home, both immediately dropped into bed and had a nap. Christmas Day in bed... what a scene...

You woke up, seeing it was pitch dark outside. "Oh... what time is it?" you asked, but Alex was not next to you. "Alex?" you called out, but got no response. You checked your phone, it said 8pm. You walked downstairs to find Alex drawing. He had papers all around him, of shapes. "Hi darling" he said, noticing you came down. "What are you up to handsome?" you asked, sitting by him. It's like he always had a spark of inspiration after going places and had to do things immediately before he forgot.

"I'm drawing designs... I wanted to connect it to the model I made, just trying to figure out shapes and what not" he said. "How fun! but Alex, come back to bed" you pouted and he laughed. "Okay love, let me just put these away" he said doing so and returning to bed. You were getting excited for the new era.

The rest of the year was pretty laid back for the both of you. That weird gap between Christmas and New Years where people are like "what do I do in the meantime? Well, you and Alex just relaxed for most of it. You both headed to Miles' pre-new years party, and you met some more friends. It was a fun party at his place. You had not been there before. It was a small apartment, filled with movie posters and music memorabilia. "Does every rockstar's house look like this?" you joked. Miles talked to you about his next album, coming out in the following year, the same as the Arctic Monkeys. He let you listen to a couple snippets of the songs. It was very Miles-like, with his funky guitar sounds and never-ending sentences. "Two albums to look forwards too, I'm so excited!" you said to Miles. "You'll still help with with the party?" you whispered to Miles. He nodded, "Of course love, send me details, I'll get the rest done!"

New Years Eve was just you and Alex. You met up with Lily a few nights ago, to drop in and say hello with chat. She planned a trip to Paris with Erik in February, and invited you and Alex to come along. "I'll have to check with Alex - you know why" you said, but agreeing. "Yeah, he's a rockstar that's why" she grinned. "And my work as well. I'll let you know!" you said.

It was a clear night, perfect for all those fireworks to light up the sky at New Years. You headed up to the roof, took a flashlight and sat with Alex. It was cold, so you wrapped up in sweaters and blankets, with a cup of coffee to share. You turned off your phone, knowing all the notifications would be popping up once it hit 12. You just wanted to be with Alex in the moment. It was quarter to 12, and you sat there, looking at the city view. Random windows turned on, a few other rooftop parties too. Someone was playing music down the street as well. "Is it always buzzing around here at this time of year?" you asked him. "Yes actually, but I love it. People coming together, celebrating something..." he said quietly. "I am very glad to be here with you" you said cuddling up with him. "It couldn't be any better" he said bringing you closer. Then you heard people counting down in the distance, from 1 minute. Alex checked his phone - 1 minute until the new year.

He put his phone away and looked at you. You turned to him as well. You started at each other until 10 seconds, then he laughed, making you laugh. Happy New Year!... you heard in the distance followed by fireworks coming from all directions. You jumped on him and kissed him deeply. He wrapped his arms around you. You pulled back and sat up. "Happy New Year Alex" you said. He sat up and held your hands.

"Happy New Year y/n, my love, my life..." he said and kissed you again.

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