In A Hurry

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You saw Miles one last time before the wedding. He was on a little break between tour and shows, and luckily was able to attend the wedding in between shows. He came for lunch one day. Alex was out and said would come back for dinner, and Miles would wait to see him. You loved being with Miles. He was such a ray of energy, his jokes and charisma were so enchanting. And yet, was still a single man. "Who's your plus one at the wedding?" you teased. "Me and... me" he said and he shook his head. "My plus two are my parents" he said and you smiled. Alex came home later and spoke to Miles before he left. "been alright?" he asked. Miles grinned, "Was serranading your gal" he said and Alex raised an eyebrow. "He's joking. We were listening to music earlier" you said and Alex smiled. You said goodbye to Miles and went up to bed and waited for Alex. You wanted to ask him an important question.

Alex came up 10 minutes later, turning off everything downstairs and sat in bed. He pulled you onto his lap. "Yes doll?" he said, sensing you wanted to talk to him. "You know me too well" you said and he smiled. "I wanted to ask you something" you said and he nodded. You took a deep breath. You were hesitant at first. "What is it darling" he said softly, holding your hands.

"I won't go into detail because you already know it all. I don't have my dad anymore. I wanted to ask if... well if your dad would give me away when we... you know" you said shyly. He smiled and held your face. "Oh sweetheart, of course he will! He would very much love to. I'm glad you considered it when I metioned it and I would love that too" he said and you hugged him. "Thank you Alex, I love you so much" you whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek. "On one condition love" he said and you looked at him. "You let me sing at the wedding" he said and you grinned. "fine! Sing what?" you asked him. "No no, I won't say!" he said and you kissed him again. "We'll talk to dad tomorrow alright?" he said.

You called his dad the next day on a video call. You sat with Alex, smiled and then asked his dad. "David, I would like to ask a huge favour of you. Would you do the honours of giving me away when we get married?" you asked. He looked in awe and said yes. "Y/n dear, of course I will!! I would be honoured to" he said and you teared up again. You blew him a kiss and spoke a little more with him. "See you lot soon" you said and turned off the phone. Alex pulled you in for a hug. "Ohh I'm so happy and excited" you said, hugging him back.

"When's your little party?" he asked you. You planned a bachelorette party over the weekend in a little restaurant with a small group of girls. Of course, you invited the band's partners, Lily, and some old friends from school. Mum and Penny were obviously invited too. "This weekend! I'll try not to drink alot..." you said and he laughed. "You do what you want love, but yes, take it easy" he winked. Alex was just going to get together with his friends from work, and a few old friends. Obviously, he knew more people than you did, so you sensed it would be more rowdy. "You too Turner" you teased. "Will do darling. I apologize in advance though..." he said and you nodded. "It's alright. I'll always take care of you - drunk or sober" you said and he grinned.

The weekend came, and you went your separate ways for the next few days. "Goodbye sweetheart. Have tons of fun! Take care though! I love you" he said and you kissed him. "Bye bye handsome, you too. Love you" you responded and he left. You left a few hours later, Lily picked you up. "Hello hello! You excited dear?" she said, looking more pregnant than ever. "I'll party for the two of us, and yes!! Very" you said. You got to the location and met the other girls. "Helloo lady of the hour is here!" Katie said and you hugged her. She immediately passed you a drink. "It's 11am Katie!!" you said and she shrugged. "It's mostly juice! party time" she said it and you drank it. You all had some brunch and spoke a bit. Lily put one of those sashes on you and a crown. It was so extra but you loved it. "I feel like crying again - look at you y/n! I'm so happy for you" Lily said and you gave her some cake. "Here, have this instead of crying" you said. You all stayed until dinner then you got a text from Alex.

Alex: Hi baby! alright? Miles is mad drunk... I'm laughing so hard

You: oh my Miles!! I'm great babe <3

You laughed and put the phone down to join the girls. They were singing songs on the karaoke. They put a few Monekys' songs, then a few pop songs. You sat down, had another drink- you limited to two that night, and texted Alex again.

Alex: -attached video- Miles singing Twist and Shout. See you soon xo

You: Tell him I said hi and calm down omg. Miss you xo

You watched the video and laughed. Lily saw it too and laughed. It was Miles standing on a table, holding a spoon as a microphone and singing. He almost fell too. "Gosh he's a wild one" she said. You nodded and put your phone away. You all had some dinner and went to the hotel. You barely slept, being a bit and so in love. The mums came the next day, you were having a lunch then heading home. Penny saw you first. "Hello dear!" she said and you hugged. You all had lunch and people slowly left.

You thanked everyone for coming and was excited for them all to come to Greece and enjoy the event. You and Alex decided to split the price of their travel and all else. He almost insisted to pay it all himself, but you made him split it. "Idiot, it's my wedding too" you said to him.

You had two more drinks - okay three and then headed home. Lily dropped you off again. "Bye dear! I loved it so much, you take care. I'll see you just before! Say hi to Turner for me" she said. "Wait- you're going to be Mrs Turner!" she realized excitedly and you cried again.

You freshened up a bit and dropped right into bed. Alex came in an hour later and dropped into bed also. "My headdd" he said as you sat up. "On a scale of one to drunk, how drunk are you" you asked him. "A little drunk" he said and you laughed. "Me too..." you said and he grinned. "Not as bad as Miles..." he said. You watched the videos on his phone. "Oh my- wow" you said. You threw his phone to the side and collapsed on him. "Goodnight Turner" you said and he fell asleep already. "Goodnight my love."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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