R U Mine

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You both took the underground, only for 15 minutes, and walked the rest of the way. He had his sunglasses on as usual, and you popped your headphones in. You boarded the train, the last carriage, which had a few people, and gave him one of your earbuds. He took it, and you played your indie playlist. I hope none of that Arctic Monkeys starts playing... you hoped, and it's like your phone heard you because it did just that.

I'm a puppet on a string... your headphones played. You looked up at Alex and giggled. Oops... you mouthed and he just smiled and winked at you. Literally of the 300 songs here, that just had to play?!... you thought and just looked at him while his own voice sang through your headphones. He mouthed R U Mine. You smirked, pushing his sunglasses up, as they were sliding down a bit. You pretend to play the solo part discretely, and he laughed. A few people looked up and went back to their phones. You didn't care, you were in your own little world. No one recognized him, which was good. He didn't seem tense about being in public with you either. That's how comfortable you were with each other. As if you were an item that was already out in the open for a while.

When the song ended, he took your phone to see the next song and hit the camera button accidentally. It opened up to the front view, and you laughed. You stuck your tongue out and hit the capture button. "Oops sorry" he said, laughing. "That's going to be my wallpaper" you joked and hit the next button on your playlist.

You put your phone away and placed your head on his chest, facing away from the people. He held onto you, until the next stop, where you got off. You were in Notting Hill, a vibrant location with vintage shops and bright painted houses. The sun had come up again, and you walked down the road with him to a tall brown brick building. Lawley Studios, the sign above the door said. Ah, that's the L.studio that was on his phone... you remembered when he had to take that call. He opened the door for you to enter first. "Thank you" you said, and he followed behind, removing his sunglasses.

A short woman with blonde hair and a yellow dress walked up to you both. "Mornin' Chelsea" Alex said to her. "Ello! How's it going? Who's this pretty lady?" she responded, making you blush. You took your hand out and introduced yourself. You shook hands and she smiled. "This is y/n, is it okay if she sits down the hall?" Alex asked. Chelsea nodded, "Of course Al! I'll take care of her. The sitting room is just down the hall hun, let me know if you need anything!" she said. "The others are in Room A6" she said to Alex and he nodded. She walked away and you turned to Alex. "Gosh she's nice" you said, and he smiled. "We've got a fabulous team here. She's also right about you" he winked and took out a key. You blushed again. "There should be some coffee in there if you would like. Chelsea is just down the hall if you need anything. I'll see you later, ok love?" he said, kissing your head and walking off. You wished him luck and blew him a kiss then walked the other way to the sitting room. The door was open and no one was there. There was a green sofa, a round table and a large, arched window. It became a sunny day, so the sunlight was beaming into the room. One spot on the sofa was lit up by the sun, so you sat there, and started to work. You had a coffee and completed your essay. Alex was right - the laptop was literally empty, except for a few tabs open: BBC news, a YouTube video to a song you told him about, AM's website and a link to random photos of futuristic architecture references? That last tab is odd... you thought.

Hours went by, then someone walked in. It was Chelsea. "How are you doing hun? Do you need anything?" she said, looking at her watch. "Hello! I am good, thank you" you responded, putting the laptop down. She walked over and sat down. "I was talking to Alex earlier, he said you two met on the train?" she said, and you nodded. "Also that you've been spending some time together lately" she added, smiling. You hesitated to speak, but she spoke first. "It's okay hun! Your secret's safe with me. Alex is a darling, hope he is treating you right! He's been in a good spirit, must be something to do with you" she winked and got up. You laughed. "He truly is, I feel very lucky to know him in my life" you said, putting your head down shyly. "I think he's almost done, I'll go check on them. It was nice to meet you" she said and waved. You thanked her and laid down on the sofa. The sun was on your face. Sunglasses indoors... you sang and laughed at your own joke.

Then someone walked in again. It was Alex. He shut the door behind him and walked towards you. You sat up and smiled. "Hi handsome, how's it going?" you said motioning for him to sit. He sat down and pulled you onto his lap. The sun shone on his fluffy hair, and part of his face, making his dark brown eyes lighter in colour. "Alex... someone will walk in!" you said, still shuffling on comfortably. "That's why I closed the door" he said, winking, and held your hips. "Besides, everyone just left, they went for drinks" he continued and you giggled. "You didn't want to join them?" you asked. "Next time, I'm busy right now" he smirked. He told you how the album was getting together nicely, today just mainly focusing on adding vocals to a few songs. You could tell, as his voice sounded a bit tired. "Save your pretty voice then" and you shut him up with a kiss. Then suddenly, you both heard a knock at the door. You looked at him and sat still, and he responded. "Yes?" he called out. A man's voice came through. "Al, it's Matt. We're going out later tonight, do you want to join us?" he said. You went to his neck and started leaving a love bite. He didn't push you away but had to respond to Matt. You eventually let go and looked at him. He looked at you and mouthed oh my god. "Sorry mate, I've got some work to do tonight, next time!" he said and Matt said his goodbyes and walked away. You gave him a moment and eventually laughed.

"You cheeky little-" he started, but you cut him off with another kiss. You pulled away and said, "I hope I'm the work you have to do tonight." He bit his lip and then laughed. "You'll need a reward after all this hard work..." you said, winking, then getting up and walking out the door with your things. "Hey, where is my reward going now?" he whispered, referring to you as the reward. You giggled, "To eat, I'm starving." It was decided to go to the cafe down the road. "Let's take out, so we can eat at the park near my place" he said and you nodded.

"Also, was that THE Matt Helders?!" you tried not to be too excited. He laughed, "Yep, he probably thought I was doing something suspicious, thanks to you" he continued, following behind you. You laughed. "I want to meet the others some time. The Monkeys' isn't just you" you smiled. He nodded, "Soon darling! I'll introduce you to them."

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