Bad Habits

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The days felt endless without Alex by your side. You were glad to have kept in contact with Miles because you ended up having fun conversations with him. You even met up with him for a second time and you took him out to lunch, for the return of the lovely dinner you both had together. He was so kind to have spent a day with you, going to the record store, having icecream by the water and talking more about McCartney. Miles finally brought up the weird story, the one Alex begged him not to talk about. "Oh goody, do tell" you said, having your icecream. "Well it's odd, but sad too" Miles started, talking about a show they did, as their group The Last Shadow Puppets, back in 2016 where Alex was a bit drunk before a show that he was begging the crew to let him sing I Want You (She's So Heavy) on stage during their set. They weren't sure as it was a seven minute long song, but they let him and it turned out to be one of the most fun shows they ever did. "That's so funny, you know he sings that song a lot nowadays" you told Miles. "Oh does he? some bird broke his heart that's why he drank and want to sing it. I'm sure it doesn't mean the same thing, but he just loves that song too" Miles continued, smoking his cigarette. "What bird?" you said, now curious of what he meant. "You sure you want to hear it?" he asked, now becoming a bit serious. "Yes I do" you said sternly.

Miles told you that he met a girl a month before the tour, that they met at the studio and started to spend a lot of time together. God knows whatever else they did, but he said they seemed really into eachother. Before they left for tour, she became too attached and was being annoying, making him irritated. They apparently had a fight and he left her behind. She wouldn't stop calling him and threatened to expose him. Alex did nothing wrong, but she just wanted attention and thats when he lost it. It was thankfully only for that one show, but Alex was so done with her. Since then, he hadn't spoken to anyone, until meeting you.

You didn't know what to say. Not that Alex had shown any of those signs or told you about that part of his life. You were neither interested, as it was not your business and would rather have kept it out of your lives. It was the past anyways, and Alex was now nothing like that. You suddenly felt guilty, and worried if you were being like that girl. Then Miles spoke.

"I can see your brain is trying to analyze everything - hey, don't worry love. He's not like that anymore. He handled the situation and it's now in the past. You're his favorite person in the world and he doesn't want to lose you. Don't feel guilty, if you do. Just love him the way you do, because it's working for him and he wouldn't want it any other way" Miles said, rubbing your back. You looked up and smiled. "I know Miles. It is not my intention at all to hurt Alex. I support him and always do the best for him. I love him so much..." you said, a smile on your face forming. "And I can deal with that shit. I'm not a baby, like whoever she was. His happiness and succes is mine as well, and I only hope he is that way" you continued, Miles nodding, understanding what you mean.

"You're absolutely right love, and I like that you think that way. He really is lucky to have you y/n, never feel guilty about it" he said. "Speaking of, Miles where's your bird?" you said, looking at him curiously. "Oh, I haven't got one. She flew away months ago. It was mutual decision, and to be honest, I'm just living my life now, focusing on my music" he said, smiling at the sun.

"You're a good egg Miles. I'm sure many people have said that, but Alex is very lucky to have you in his life. I'm so glad you two still talk. I love to see the connection you have" you smiled. He smiled back. You got up and got ready to head off.

"See you around Miles! and thanks for talking with me" you said, walking with him to the station. "You are most welcome! and don't worry about what I told you. Keep smiling love" he said, and left you.

You went home and saw a missed call from Alex. You dialled his number and he picked up.

"Hi gorgeous, you okay?" he said, sounding cheerful. "Hi handsome, I'm doing okay, I was just with Miles again. We had lunch and spoke a bit" you said, thinking about the conversation earlier. "Oh lovely! Hope he's well" he said, and you spoke a bit. You felt tired and sad all of a sudden, and said you wanted to go sleep early. "Alright darling, you feeling okay?" he said, sensing a bit of an underwhelmed tone in your voice. "I'm okay, just tired. Talk tomorrow?" you said, sending kisses over the speaker. "Of course my love, I'll call you at around 1, my break is then. Take care, miss you!" he said, and you said your goodbyes and you went to bed. You woke up a bit later to see a text on your phone.

Miles: hi y/n! You probably know why i'm texting you, Al thinks you're upset about something. love, what did i tell you!

You: i'm sorry, i just let things get to me, it's a bad habit. I'm fine! out of mind now. Thanks Miles x

You put your phone down and went back to bed. Definitely not out of mind...

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