Do You Want To Know A Secret?

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You decided to stay in, and watched one of the vintage Bond movies on his laptop. You kept telling him how his first Shadow Puppet album sounded like it belonged as the soundtrack a 60s film, and he agreed. "I like the thought of writing a soundtrack of some sort" he said. "You could be in it too, playing the sexy villain" you grinned. Later he played you a little bit of guitar, you watching his gorgeous hands do their thing. Then you went to the roof again and drank some wine since you mentioned it at breakfast. You only had a bit, knowing what happened last time you drank. It was now 3 pm, the sun had gone behind the clouds a little, but it was still humid. You lay on the roof for a bit then finally spoke. "Alex..." you said, but hesitantly.

"Yes love?" he responded.

"I will sound a little crazy but... I really enjoy being with you. I like you, a lot" you said. You both laid there in silence for a minute. Your life had changed so quickly. As crazy as it had been, you just couldn't see yourself returning to your normal life - that is before you met Alex. He really liked you too, not just the craving for you, but he saw beyond that - your kindness, sincerity and humour, and appreciated lots about you. As you did for him. You didn't like him because you were a fan or because he made you feel good, but you saw the real him. He was a thoughtful, compassionate, desirable man who appreciated the little things in life. Yes, he's a famous rockstar who pretty much everyone would fall in love with, but this was different. You were so attracted to that, making it more difficult to leave him. You realized you would most likely need to, but you cut the conclusions and waited for him to respond.

"I do too love, I enjoy our conversations and spending time with you" he said, and you sat up and looked at him. "As cheesy as this sounds...: maybe I just wanna be yours..." you whispered, biting your lip, knowing you might have changed the mood. You knew it was not the right thing to say. You had only met recently, but the connection was there and you didn't want to lose it. This wasn't the wine talking either. You almost laughed from the reference to his song you made. He smiled back, looking at you in adoration. Those dark, brown eyes of his lit up and he caressed your lips. That's when you knew, and he did too. "You call the shots babe- I like the sound of that" he smiled. "Really?" you asked shyly. "I don't see why not. I really like having you around..." he whispered, and you melted on him. The sun slowly started to set, the sky once again orange in colour. You started to sing a song to him.

Listen, do you want to know a secret? Do you promise not to tell...

He looked at you once he recognized what you were singing. He ran his hand through your hair and sang along.

Closer, let me whisper in your ear... say the words you long to hear...

You sat up and looked at him, that one look you give to the person who you desire a lot, the person you want to spend more of time with. He looked at you the same way, his eyes staring into yours. You both then sang the next line together.

I'm in love with you...

He laughed and held you tighter. Suddenly, a cool wind blew, which made you shiver a bit. "Let's go inside" he said, and you went back to the bedroom and snuggled into a blanket, while he went to the kitchen. He came back to you with a cup of tea and his notepad. "Here you go love" he said, handing you the cup. "Oh thank you handsome" you smiled. He opened the notepad to a page and handed it to you. You took it from him and read what it said:

"That sounds interesting, I wonder who gave you that rating" you giggled, lifting your head up, seeing his smile

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"That sounds interesting, I wonder who gave you that rating" you giggled, lifting your head up, seeing his smile. "Is it for a song?" you asked, trying to be a bit nosy. He smirked, "Yeah I guess so, I thought of it after our little event" he said, you remembering what he was referring to. "Do you remember?" he teased. You pulled him closer and kissed his nose. "Hmm remind me?..." you said, and he grabbed your neck gently, giving it a lick. His tongue, so warm and soft, brought back those memories. He pulled back and smirked. "Does that spark a memory, doll?" he drawled. You lost it every time he called you doll. "Oh yes, I remember now" you giggled.

"May I look?" you asked about the notepad, and he nodded. You flipped a few pages. You got to a page dated two weeks ago. It was titled: Star Treatment..., with a few random lines. "Hey, you were writing about me before we even met" you laughed and handed him the notepad. "I wrote that when I was in a hotel not too long ago, I saw a sign with those words and started writing a soemthing along with it" he laughed, putting the notepad away on the bedside table. Mysterious indeed... you thought.

"Shall we go for a walk? Get some air?" he asked. "Sure, if I can walk..." you joked. He grinned. The sun had set a bit, the lamp posts turned on and there was distant chatter, a few people having a party in the building nearby. It was a bit breezy, so you put on one of his sweaters, a grey one, and your dress. He changed and put on his boots. You slipped on your boots too and you both headed towards the door. You went to the sitting room to grab his sunglasses. "You'll need these" you said, handing them to him. He was fixing his hair in the mirror by the door, then turned around. "Thanks love" and put on the sunglasses. It wasn't sunny anymore, but you know, it's the Alex Turner thing to do.

"Let's go" he smiled and you headed out the door, and walked down the road to a little park.

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