Y/N My Dear

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You felt as if an essential part of you that enabled you to function had been taken away temporarily, leaving a part incomplete. It was only a few days away from him but that missing part was unignorable. The next morning you woke up in your own bed, comfy, but alone. You started to tear up a bit, missing his warm body, and grabbed your phone immediately. You dialled his number. "Hi darling!" the distant voice said, and you melted onto your bed. "Alex..." you said, still half asleep, but full of affection for him. "Are you okay?" he asked, hearing his voice a bit closer now. "I miss you..." you whispered, hugging your pillow. "I miss you endlessly love, wish you were here..." he drawled. "When does your lecture finish?" he asked. You heard a guitar strum, and it made you smile. "At 2 pm, is my rockstar playing guitar?" you asked, curious to know. More guitar sounds came. "Yes, I was practising a few tunes" he said. "Play me something. Help me start my day on a good note..." you drawled, and he strummed a few notes. He started to sing Martha my dear but switched the name to yours.

y/n my dear, though I spend my days in conversation please, remember me...

I will always remember you... you thought as you closed your eyes, listening to his angelic voice, random guitar notes echoing here and there.

when you find yourself in the thick of it, help yourself to a bit of what is all around you, silly girl... he continued. You now couldn't stop the tears falling down your face, sniffling a bit when he ended the song.

"Are you crying love?" he asked when he finished the song. "Maybe..." you said, sniffling again. "Silly girl..." he sang, in a goofy accent, which made you laugh. "That's my girl. I want you to smile, wherever you are. Be happy yeah?" his voice changed from comical to compassionate. You thought of his shirt and your indie playlist. Of course, you are... you grinned. You continued to speak with him as you got ready for the day. You looked into your wardrobe for an outfit and saw that infamous dress. I don't know If I want to burn it or wear it forever... you thought and instead picked out some jeans, a t-shirt and your leather jacket. Have I suddenly turned into Alex?... you laughed. "Okay love, have a good day! talk later" he said, and you said your goodbyes. You'd need a song a day to keep you going at that rate.

The next couple of days were a repeated routine. You would call him in the morning before you went to class and he went to the studio. Then headed off for lectures, followed by more essay writing. At night you called again and went to bed. You went to the nearby park, typing away your essay on your laptop. The open space, trees and people reminded you of him, making you a bit sad again. But you remembered what he said to you the other night, and stayed positive. The fresh breeze, the smell of your coffee - and a headache slowly approaching... This is what happens when you think too much about him... you joked to yourself, and headed home.

You dialled his number once you got home. Voicemail. He's probably in the studio... you thought.

You picked up your guitar and played a few songs to pass time. Then you had an idea. You set up your phone on chair and sat infront of it, guitar in hand. You opened the camera and recorded yourself playing In My Life by The Beatles, then sent it to Alex.

You then decided to have a nap, that headache still lingering around. 30 minutes later, your phone rang. Sleepily, you picked it up and answered. "Hi darling, I loved that video" he said. "Hi handsome, oh good" you said, missing seeing his face, his voice not being enough. "Sorry, we were recording - completed a song. I just got home. Are you okay?" he said, followed by the sound of keys rattling. "I'm fine, I was napping. I had my therapy session today as well" you said, yawning. "Oh, sorry Sleeping Beauty, should I leave you to it then? How was it? If I may ask" he asked, followed by more key sounds. "Noo, I'm awake now. It was calming actually, just spoke about how I am lately and anxiety stuff" you said, "Alex, what are you doing?" you asked, referring to the commotion. "Oh that's good, hope it helped. I bought a guitar and I can't open the case now..." he said, groaning. You giggled. "You goof, they probably locked it so well so you can't play the best song from your next album" you joked.

He laughed, and you heard the sound of keys hitting a surface. Suddenly, a click sound came from the speaker. "I got it!" he said, followed by an oh wow. "Dang it, I should keep my mouth shut" you said, now sitting up now, as if you were watching him. "What does it look like?" you curiously asked. "You'll have to wait until I see you tomorrow" he teased, and you whined. "Fine, but give me a hint" you begged. "One Point Perspective" he said. "I have no idea what that means, but okay!" you responded. How odd... you thought, trying to figure out what he meant.

"I'll leave you to it then. I'm going to head to bed... my headache is still there" you said, slowly drifting away to sleep again. "Okay darling, sleep well and take care. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!" he said, followed by kissing noises. "Yes, until tomorrow Turner... Goodnight" you said, and slept.

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