Happy With You

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You went home the next day and Miles came over. "Y/N! ALEX! FINALLY" he said, when you told him. You knew Miles knew about it already, but you still told him. He hugged you lifted you off the floor in excitement for you. "Uh hello, that's my fiance" Alex said walking in. Miles dropped you and you both looked at Alex in a little shock. Miles hearing Alex say that word and you hearing it for the first time was a life changing moment.

"Shit, I forgot now that I'm not your girlfriend anymore... but FIANCE!!" you said excitedly. "Yes love, Miles looks just as excited as you are" he grinned. "Congragulations the both of you. My best wishes!" he said, sitting down. You all spoke for a bit, then Miles left in the evening. You stepped out with him as he walked down the road for a bit. "Miles, I thank you for being such a good friend. You're simply wonderful. I love you just at much" you said. "It's all good y/n! Though I've known Al for longer, I have come to love you too" he said, and you said goodbye and walked back inside. "Is it your turn to plot behind my back?" Alex joked, eating a cookie.

"I was thanking him. He got flushed, he's a sweetheart. You're so lucky Alex" you said to him and took the rest of his cookie. "I am lucky indeed..." he said, taking the cookie back. "Hungry? You can eat something else..." you said, winking.

The next week, you and Alex told his parents. They were ecstatic, and Penny started to cry, which made you cry all over again. "Jeez, why are you all so emotional" David said, which made you all laugh. "Congratulations sweethearts. Our best wishes to you. When's the wedding?" Penny joked. You looked at Alex and he smiled. "Mum, I still have tour. We haven't planned anything yet" he said, and you smiled at him. You told Lily the day after too, and she was already an emotional mess from being pregnant, but she was so happy for you. "Oh my dear y/n, I'm so happy for you girl! I can't wait for your life! You lucky girl. Tell Alex I said hi!" she said.
And so tour came around, quicker than you thought. But you were excited for him, knowing it was his job and the fans looked forwards as well.
You sent off Alex at the door the day before, with his bit longer hair, cutely styled. He pulled you in for a kiss before he left. "See you soon my love. I adore you so so so much. Always thinking of you darling" he said. You stroked his head. "See you soon babe! Have fun! I hear the crowds will be quite big! Tell the others I said hello" you said and he nodded. "Will do babe, goodbye!" he said and left. You closed the door and ran upstairs to the bed and melted into the happiest mess. Though he left you, you were too happy about the year you've had together, through the good and bad, you've made it together. You were beyond happy and started to plan things.

You worked during the week, off weekends. You picked up more shifts because Alex was away, and you could earn more money, preparing for the future. It also gave you something to do during the week. You would talk to Alex, occasionally, called Miles at times and saw Mum. She stayed over for a week, just being with you again. She knew you had some anxiety when being alone, especially being away from Alex from being 3 months with him non-stop.

Alex was going to be away on your birthday and Mum flew back home just before, as she had work. You were going to celebrate alone, but Alex agreed to video call you. The Monkeys' had just finished their Australian leg. You saw all the photos and videos of them, and wishing you could cuddle with him.

"How's it going babe? You're doing so so good! I'm loving all the videos," you told him, while on call. It was almost 12am at home and it was 6pm where he was - Mexico City. "I'm alright love, thank you. Just need to rest up. Australia was wonderful." he winked and you blew him a kiss. You were sat in his studio, and he was in a hotel room. He moved to the balcony, setting the phone on a chair while he smoked a cigarette. He turned to you and smiled. You looked past him, where a beautiful sunset was forming. "Wow, gorgeous" you said in response to the view. "Oh thank you" he winked at you and you laughed. "I miss you goof" you said. "I miss you more! What's the time?" he said and you checked. "It's almost 12" you said, yawning. You both waited a few more minutes, then midnight striked.

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