Good Day Sunshine

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//smut scene

The rest of the week was fun. You took him around the island, seeing the cute houses and markets in between. You went to your favourite icecream store, who was also a family friend. He liked Alex so much, he gave an extra icecream. It was probably because he kept admiring the guitar he had on his wall of his store. You went to the beach a few times, went to the market, lounged by the pool and mum and Alex talked a lot more. Alex also became friends with George and would talk with him almost everyday. George's english was not that great, but when he spoke about music, it was like he was native to it. He gave Alex some cassettes. George came over for lunch one day and tried to tell you Alex is very handsome. "He is very ómorfos. Take care y/n" George said, before leaving. You giggled, Alex just looked at you confused. "What did he say?" he said curious.

"He called you handsome. I completely agree" you said and he laughed. "Ohh, it must be the beard" he joked. George had a beard like him too. Alex grew out his beard a bit more, still looking tidy but very attractive. Alex decided one evening to go watch the sunset by the water. You knew a little spot between large rocks on the beach where many people don't go to. "Wow, this is stunning. Thanks for bringing me here love" he said, hugging you from behind. You wrapped your arms around him and leaned back on him. In the distance, you heard some music. It was someone playing the accordion on the street above. You turned around looked at Alex. He smiled and he held you at the hips and you placed your arms on his shoulders. You swayed along to the music. "This reminds me of when I took you to my roof for the first time" he smirked. You smiled at him with that affectionate look. When we first kissed...

"Alexander..." you whispered, pulling him closer. He grinned. He loved it when you called him by his full name or last name, as if it was a tease. "Did you know, your name translates from Greek to 'warrior' or 'defender'? That's hot" you said. He smirked. "Interesting... don't start doll, or we'll be here all night..." he drawled. You giggled. When he called you that, it made you feel that softness, making it worse. "Let's get home then" you said, holding his hand as you made your way back up.

Mum had to fly back a few days earlier as she had work to get back to, which meant 2 days left of the trip alone with Alex. That is, if he didn't disappear to next door. She spoke a little with Alex and hoped to see him soon again. You were just tidying up most of the day, listening to music while Alex sat outside, writing in his notepad and enjoying the view. It somehow took you an hour to organize the house. You lay down on the bed, letting out a big sigh. You were sad it was the last few days of the trip. Then Alex walked into the room. You looked up and smiled. He walked over to the bed and pulled you closer, hovering over you. You stroked his beard, "Hi handsome, any progress in writing?" you asked him. He nodded and kissed you. He made his way down your neck, his beard lighty tickling you, making you giggle. Then he looked into your eyes and spoke.

"My doll's been working too hard. This is supposed to be her vacation..." he said and took off his t-shirt. You sat up in delight and unbuttoned your shirt. He took it off you and you stopped him. "I didn't bring any protection..." you pouted. He smirked and went to his bag, pulling one out. "I knew you'd ask doll. Now get naked for me" he said, removing the remaining clothes on himself and putting the protection on. He was being a bit directive, but you kind of loved it. It turned you on more. You did as you were told and lay on the bed for him. He made his way up your body, leaving kisses on you and when he got your face, he slid right into you. You both groaned, probably a bit too loud. Mamma Mia... here we go again...

Then he started moving, slow but hard thrusts, hitting that sweet spot. You hadn't taken him in almost 2 weeks, making it more desirable than ever. You moaned his name, needing more of him. "Shit Ale-" you started to say, but he cut you off, putting his fingers in your mouth. You automatically closed on it and he grinned. "That's it doll, but you need to stay quiet. Can tell you missed me..." he groaned, thrusting harder into you. You felt slight tears forming in your eyes, ones caused from deep pleasure. "My good girl..." he said, removing his fingers and putting his hand on the side of your neck. You nodded biting your lip. "Can tell you're close doll" he dralwed, continuing his pace. You caught your breath and responded, "Go harder-" you demanded, teasing him as well. "You sure?" he smirked. "Yes please-" you moaned, and he did just that, sending you right into your climax, moaning his name ever so quietly as he buried his head into your neck. He moved all the way through it, your body heating up more than the humidity outside. Then he groaned, letting himself go as well. "Oh doll..." he said, breathing heavily as you felt him below. He gave himself a minute then pulled out. You were so hot and wet, it was all his fault. Both of you were a heated, sweaty mess.

You looked up at him surprised. "I- I loved whatever that was" you said. He grinned and pushed his hair back, leaning over to your face. He looked down and brushed his hand against you. You let out a little moan, still sensitive. "I can tell... you're so wet doll..." he smirked. "Yes, you're so damn good..." you whined, "I don't mind if you do that again some time..." you softly said and he winked.

Did I just unknowingly unlock a side of Alex?... you thought.

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