Does Your Mother Know

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//smut scene

The last day of the trip, you just lounged around the house with Alex. You showed him a new article that was put out and didn't want to read past the headline, so you just read that part aloud.

"Turner's mystery girl was not so mysterious after all... what the heck is that supposed to mean. I'll show you mysterious" you said, throwing your phone and dancing around the pool. He laughed. "Yep, that makes more sense. Watch out though love" he said observing you. We didn't need another pool incident. He saw you were much happier today. "Someone is feeling better" he said and you turned around. You stood end the other end of the pool and looked at him. He turned on the phone and played a song and you pretended to hold a microphone and started to sing.

You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life... you sang, making Alex laugh.

Then you saw Kelsey from next door. She moved closer to the end of her balcony, waved at Alex and started to clap as you sang. You had no care in the world who was watching you. He grinned the whole time you were just dancing and singing. Kelsey laughed, "Bravo!" and said her goodbyes. You blew her a kiss and walked back to Alex. "Gosh, I did one song, not even singing properly and I'm exhausted. How do you do it Turner..." you said, sitting on his lap. "That was good! you are too cute" he said, kissing your cheek. "You are..." you replied, kissing his neck. He let out a low groan. You smirked and dragged him to the bedroom.

He sat on the edge, his hands trailed up your body, as kissed your chest. "It's my turn..." you said, sitting on your knees, putting your hair up. He smirked, "What are you going to do to me doll..." he asked in a low voice. You pulled him out and stroked him a few times. He grabbed your hair tighter as you then teased him with your tongue. He groaned, holding the side of your neck with his other hand. "You're going to get bruises on you again darling" he said, referring to your knees. You looked up at him, still attached to him, then grabbed him. You slid up to his face and whispered, "It's worth it" you grinned and went back down to him. "Shit... I adore your touch baby..." he said, letting you tease him more. He kept hold of your hair as you started to stroke, increasing the speed slowly. He groaned your name and threw his back. You looked up at him and tilted his head down by his beared chin.

"Handsome, look at me" you whispered, giving him those big eyes he couldn't resist. His mouth hung open, hooded eyes and looked flushed already. He nodded and you teased him with your tongue again. He groaned one last time, and came all over your hand. You cleaned him all up, never taking your eyes off him. He pulled your head up by your hair and you whined a bit. "Well, aren't you something" he drawled. You put him away and sat on his lap. "And she would do anything for her man" you grinned, licking your lips. "Thank you love" he smiled and at back.

After that, you both passed out. The flight was midday the following day, and you were already sad to leave Greece. You said your goodbyes to the lovely neighbors. George with with Alex's as you made your way out of the house, collecting the last items. Alex helped you put things into the taxi and you got to the airport. You got through security and sat down by the gate. Alex noticed you went quiet again and gave one of his cuddles. "Darling..." he whispered. You nuzzled into his body, trying to forget you were surrounded by people. You had some anxiety flying, and he picked it up the first time you flew to Greece. He took out a cinnamon bun out of his bag. You looked up at him and grinned. "Aww thank you" you said, devouring it in under a minute. "Well, now I know you're weaknesses..." he whispered. You looked up at him and smirked. "Shhh" you said and went back into his arms.

You boarded the flight on the 4-hour route and took a taxi to his parents house. The weather was cloudy, feeling as if a snow storm was approaching. You missed seeing those roads lined with wide, brick houses for miles. His parents house was in a cul-de-sac, a little white home right in the middle. The door was also black. "Did you purposely get matching homes?" you joked to Alex. He laughed, "Oh yeah totally. Nah, my mum just liked a bold door" he said, getting out. You took a deep breath and got out. It was only yesterday you were dancing by the pool. He looked at you before knocking. "Ready?" he asked and you nodded. His mum answered the door.

"Hello darling! Nice beard" she said, hugging him. "I agree" you said softly and she turned to you. She was a small lady just like you, so you were able to hug her. "y/n my dear, I'm glad we finally meet" she said and you started to talked to her. You and Penny spoke for a little while. She asked you about school and about meeting Alex. You became quickly comfortable around her. She was really lovely and said you both could stay the night if you wanted. Alex booked a hotel not too far from their place and said so, saying you would visit again tomorrow. But you did sit down for some tea before you left. His dad was out running some errands and was coming back later. You would meet him tomorrow. "How was Greece love? I heard it's gorgeous" she asked you and Alex. "Oh mum, it's amazing. Y/n has a little house on a hill, stunning views. Her neighbor is the best" he said, explaining it all. You just watched him speak with him mum, drinking your tea quietly. Then Penny asked you a question, "So I hear you're quite The Beatles fan!" she said, pointing to the wall. It was a photo of Penny and Paul, taken years ago. Alex took her backstage to a show to meet him. "Oh my, you are all lucky. Everyone is out here meeting Paul McCartney" you said, and they laughed.

"She was singing ABBA yesterday, you should have seen it" he grinned and you stuck your tongue at him. "I love ABBA!" she winked and got up to put things away. Then you got up and said your goodbyes to Penny. "It was lovely to meet you! See you tomorrow" she said, sending you off.

You got to the hotel, more relieved. Only met half of his family, but you knew you were going to be alright. Penny was a sweetheart, full of joy and love. You saw where Alex got it from.

"Mama Turner is lovely" you said, getting into bed. He followed, you cuddling up to him. "Isn't she" he said smiling. You nodded, kissing his nose. "Dad is the more excited one to meet you" he said, putting his arm around you. "Paul McCartney..." you reminded him and he laughed. "She was so happy love. I think I have a photo of all three of us somewhere" he said, picking up his phone. You looked up to see he had 56 unopened emails. "Jeez, Turner you are popular" you said and he nodded. "All the promo and shit... I'll get back to it at some point" he said, opening the photos app. You saw a photo of yourself, lying on the bed looking at the camera with that smirk he couldn't get enough of.

"Hey! Who's that girl" you grinned and he smiled. "My girl that's who" he said, trying to find the photo. He eventually found it and sent it to you. "Wow this is 2014 - right? Look at you aww" you said, referring to his hair. He laughed, "Felt like ages ago. Not my best year" he said, putting his phone down. Then you remembered he had a girlfriend in 2014 too. A short fling, they seemed happy - that's what you all thought. She broke up with him actually. You took a deep breath and tried to forget about it. You looked up at him and smiled. "I love you" you said to him. "Love you more darling" he said pulling him closer.

"I won't break your heart Turner..." you whispered and he hugged you tighter. "You just bite my neck instead" he grinned. You snuggled with him and fell asleep. His warm body helped you fall asleep, as it started to snow outside.

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