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You flew out to Greece for 3 days before heading to Sheffield for the rest of the trip. It was funny, because you packed both a swimsuit and a ton of sweaters. They weather change was going to mess you both up, but it was going to be a good trip. You were really nervous to meet his parents, but he assured you that they would love you. "How could they dislike you love, you are an angel" he said on the plane. You both had a nap on the way and got to Greece in the evening. You got home and found George sitting in his balcony enjoying the night's calmness.

He was glad to have seen you two return. "George!! How are you" you said, going to hug him. He saw Alex and lit up. You laughed and nodded. "I brought Alex back. He couldn't wait to see you" you said. "Alex! Come" George said as Alex greeted him and they had a little chat. You went inside and set up the bed and made Alex came inside. "I missed that man, he's so cool" he said walking into the bedroom. You took your clothes off and was about to put on your t-shirt when he came up to you looked at your hips. "Oh my, I'm so sorry love..." he said, and you looked down to see the bruises on your hips, still there from days ago. You grinned, "It's okay, they were made with love." He nodded and kissed the bruises. "I'm fine you goof, I liked it" you said, touching his head as he kissed you. "But I'm getting you back..." you grinned, getting into bed.

You spent time in the pool in the morning. You sat against the side and smoked a cigarette. Then saw George leaving the house. He was on his way to the market. You waved at him and he winked at Alex, who appeared behind you. You turned and smiled to him. "Good morning handsome" you said as he jumped in the pool to join you. "Hello love" he said swimming towards you. His hair was all wet and dropped longer against his shoulders. You pushed it away from his eyes. He picked you up and took the cigarette from you, then pushing you underwater. You swam up and laughed. "How dare you!" you said and splashed him. He dropped the cigarette on the side and came after you. "Oh shit" you said, swimming away, getting to the edge of the pool. You turned around to escape but he was right behind you. You looked up at him and he grinned. You jumped into his arms. "You sacrificed my cigarette..." you pouted. He gasped, "I sacrificed my hair - it's a mess now." You grinned, putting it up in a bun, all slicked back. "Nah, you're still good looking."

You had some breakfast and went down to the market for a bit. Alex got recognized in the street and took some photos with some fans. You just hung out in a store, looking at items. You wanted to get something for his parents, so picked out a little wave ornament and bought it. His parents love the ocean, so this would be a perfect little gift. You walked back to Alex, who was waiting outside eating icecream. Left him for 5 minutes with fans and somehow he now had icecream in his hands. Then a girl approached you. You didn't know what to say and looked at Alex. He just smiled.

"You're really pretty. I just wanted to say that, and hi. It's nice to meet you" she said, being genuine. Apparently she was talking to Alex earlier and mentioned you, and she wanted to talk before she left. "Oh thank you" you just said shyly. Alex held you hand and you walked away. "What just happened?" you said confused. "She was just interested in meeting you love. It might happen again. You are my girl after all" he said, eating his ice cream. You took it from him and ate the rest. "And she's hungry" he continued.

You headed back to the house and Alex saw George again. They spoke again for a bit as you made a quick lunch. The house was just one long road down to the market where there was a bakery, food and market stalls and ice cream store. It was convenient and delicious. "I need to stop leaving you, I'm sorry" he said, helping. "It's okay! You only get to see George so much, did you talk?" you asked him. "Yeah he told me that years ago, you fell into the pool and almost broke an arm?" he grinned. "Oh shit, I remember. Wow- he's got a good memory" you said. You told Alex the story and had lunch. It was basically that you were upset with life, drunk a lot of wine that night and went out for some air, slipping into the pool, almost hitting your arm on the side. George was out on his balcony that night, so that's how he knew what happened. You told Alex it was after your breakup.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to make fun of it" Alex said, noticing you were a bit upset again. "It's fine Alex, I'm fine. It was a while ago. We have established that men are idiots" you said, drinking water. "Except me" he said quietly. "Except you" you smiled. "I'm going to take a nap love. Wake me if you need, okay?" he said. "Okay handsome, I'll be here" you said, and sat on the sofa.

He napped for an hour and returned to find you had fallen asleep on the sofa with a bottle of wine in your hand. "y/n?" he soft said and slowly walked up to you. He sat on the floor and stroked your head. "Darling..." he drawled. You woke up and smiled. "Oh hi..." you said, sitting up slowly. "Are you okay?" he asked, seeing you not in your usual state. "Yeah... I just- don't know. Overthought things? drank some wine and ended up passing out. I only had a little I promise" you said, getting up and drinking water from the kitchen. He followed, and hugged you from behind. "Love... talk to me" he said and you sat on the chair at the kitchen counter and he stood in front of you. You just let out a big sigh.

"There's just so much to have expectations for... I don't want to fuck something up" you let out softly. It was about earlier with the fan and the pressure of meeting his parents and being a famous person's partner- the list went on. He understood what you meant and nodded. "I get it, it's all new to you. If you ever want to talk about it, just do so. I won't be mad or make fun of you. I've been in this industry for decades. Last thing I want is you to get hurt" he said, consoling you.

"The past is the past love. You aren't fucking anything up darling, you know that" he continued. You whispered, "I love you Alexander" you said and he smiled. "I love you more y/n. If anything- I'm fucking you, and not just up but in every position, so you better get used to that" he grinned.

You giggled and nodded. You looked at his chain with the 'A' you had given him. He smiled and looked deep into your eyes. His gaze was enough to make you feel so much better. "In the wise words of Alex Turner: I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake you baby..." you sung. "I think I know him...Snap out of it" he continued, shaking your shoulders, making you laugh. "Did you take your meds love?" he asked, sensing you forgot again. He kept an eye out for you every now and then asking if you've take them, just another reason you loved him. "No... must be why I'm so pissy. Thank you for reminding me" you said, getting up to take them.

"Make your way back here so we can eat something alright" he smiled and you agreed.

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