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//injury involved, upsetting

Two weeks later

It was almost 7pm, and Alex was coming back from work. He said he was almost done with the album, just getting final sounds. He never told you too much about it, as you asked him not to and he did not want to spoil it either. You saw your mum for a day, as she flew in to stay with a friend. You spoke to her about your life and a bit about Alex too. "How long have you two been together?" she asked you. "I think it's been almost 3 months? Feels like forever to be honest. I'm enjoying every second of it though mum. He's absolutely the best" you said smiling. She saw your energy change since you met him, and she was happy that you were happy. You said your goodbyes, and mum left to head back home.

You never really saw your dad. He lived in the city and you saw him maybe once a month. Since moving in with Alex, you saw him less, actually not at all. He was in the middle of finding work, amongst all the mess of the separation your parents had to deal with. A few times, you got in the middle of it, and you had not even done anything. It frustrated you, and made you upset. For a few months now, everything was quiet, and there were no interferences that included you for a while. But that evening, you got a call from him. He started to yell at you saying things like "why didn't you do this and that" and "do you even care about me" and stupid shit that made you upset. Again, you had done nothing, you were upset and confused. You hung up, heartbroken, feeling betrayed and drained. It was not fair. Alex knew about that messy part of your life, it helped talking about it to someone. You were so glad you weren't alone. But that night you were beyond done with it all.

Alex came home a bit later and saw you on the floor, with a broken cup in your hand. You were sitting there head buried in your knees crying. You had smashed a glass cup to release the anger, but only ended up injuring yourself. You were a total mess and embarrassed that Alex saw you like that. He droppped his things and immediately walked over to you. "My love? What happened?" he said, stroking your head, removing the glass from your hand. You kept your head down and shook your head. "Darling, you're hand is cut. Come here" he said, pulling you close, holding your hand which had the injury. You just broke down crying again and he just sat there holding you close, kissing your head. He noticed your phone was on the side and he turned it on to see 2 missed calls from your dad.

"Shit" he said, realizing you were taking to him, which resulted in the whole state you were in. He knew you were not on great terms with him at the moment. You caught your breath and spoke quietly, "I hate him. I just-" you just said and moved closer to him. Alex took a deep breath and stroked your head. "I know baby. You're okay darling, I'm here" he consoled you. You just sat there for another two minutes then put your head up. Eyes probably red, tears stained on your sweater and a heartbroken mess. He looked at you and kissed your forehead. "Love come up to bed" he said, picking you up, taking you up and gently putting you down. He went to the bathroom to get a bandaid and fixed you up. You just sat there, staring at the floor, trying to forget it all. He sat on the floor infront of you and fixed your injured hand.

"Sorry about the glass-" you whispered and he pouted. "Fuck the glass, I'm more worried about you. You're hurt and upset, and I don't want to see either. You want to talk love?" he said looking up at you. You brushed his hair back and nodded. You sat on the floor with him and told him what happened, slowly but somehow. He just listened and held you close. He had never seen you this upset before and was worried for you. Come to think of it, you had never seen Alex unhappy before, so It worried him more. You sat on his lap and put your head on his chest. He was still in his outfit from the day but all he cared about was calming you down. You kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear.

"Thank god you're here" you said followed by a deep breath. He held you closer. "Darling, call me if something happens, I will come to you. I will be there for you. You can trust me. People, and men, can be complete idiots without thinking" he said which made you let out a small giggle. "My man is not an idiot though. I love him endlessly" you said softly. He grinned and nodded. "Okay, your man is staying home tomorrow. I'm going to take care of my girl" he said and you looked up at him. "No Alex, tomorrow is important, you have to put things together and-" you started but he put his finger to your lips and shook his head. "No darling, I'm cancelling. You're important. Chelsea will understand. They don't need me all the time anyways" he explained, and you stroked his lips. He smiled and picked up his phone, dialling Chelsea. "Okay... if you say so" you said quietly.

He explained in very little detail, but Chelsea got the gist of it. "Okay Al! It's no problem, I'll see you next week then. Send y/n my love" she said and you could hear her. He hung up and held you again. "Done. I'm yours tomorrow" he said looking at you. "Why is everyone so easy going towards you..." you pouted. Because Alex was so lovely and caring and kind and compassionate- he's so special that's why...

He smiled, "It's not always like that darling. I had a small argument with a manager the other week. It was resolved, with time and talking. Life has it's ups and downs love. It's always going to be like that. You need to stand your ground sometimes. Don't ever lose that" he said and you started to tear up again.

"I'm sorry-" you started but just let the tear roll down your face. "What for baby" he said, hugging you. "Don't let that guilt take over you again. You are strong and you know that" he said. You said nothing else, and just sat there with him for a moment longer.

Then your phone rang from downstairs. You growled and he sat up a bit. "Remember when you said 'i'll have to throw my whole phone away if needed'? Is this the time to do it?" he asked, laughing. "I remember, and yes it is. Later, just stay here" you said, and he did just that, letting the phone ring and go to voicemail. You looked down at your hand. "Fuck that was stupid... I wasn't thinking..." you said and he took your hand and kissed it.

"I love you too much Alexander" you said and he started singing Martha My Dear to you, like he did on that call you had a while ago. He held you and sang, watching you smile at his voice. There's that beautiful voice... you thought, listening to his every word. "You must be tired, I'm sorry. Let's head to bed handsome" you said and got up and sat on the bed. "Oh- the glass, I need to clean it up" you said and he spoke. "No darling, I'll do it tomorrow. Get some rest now" he smiled. He stood up, stretched and got changed. He freshened up and got into bed with you. He held you close. You took a deep breath and fell asleep.

"Goodnight my love. Think of the future. It will be okay, I promise" he whispered and fell asleep with you.

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