Yours Sincerly, Wasting Away

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The rest of the week was mostly relaxing, just organizing your things in the house as you brought most stuff over from your place. You brought your grandad's guitar and put it in his little studio, next to his own guitars. It was mid-afternoon, and Alex was home today. You decided to sit with him in his studio as he played some of his guitars. You sat on the chair, watching his every move. You asked if he could tune your grandad's guitar as well, since he was more experienced with them than you were.

"You want a drink or anything?" you asked, getting up to head to the kitchen to make a tea. "I'm okay love, thanks" he said, tuning the guitar. You walked to the kitchen, made yourself a drink and walked back. He was sitting in your spot, your grandad's guitar on the side, and waiting for you. "Took my spot haven't you" you joked, sitting on his lap sideways, and he put his hands on your legs.

When I get older losing my hair... Many years from now... you sang to him, putting your drink down. He laughed, and pulled you closer.

Will you still be sending me a Valentine... Birthday greetings bottle of wine... he sang, taking your tea and having a sip. Then your phone started to ring. It was coming from the sitting room. You started to get up to get it, but Alex grabbed you and held you tight. "Alex! What if it's my mum" you said, as he held you. "Whoever it is can wait, It's my turn" he grinned and held you still. You gave up and settled back into his lap. "Okay Turner..." you drawled, and sat there, talking with him for a little while. The missed call was unknown, so you ignored it.

It was close to 6pm, and you were both getting hungry. "You want to go out?" he asked, as there was not really any food in the house. "Or I'll just grab some food down and come back then, yeah?" he grinned, knowing you would actually prefer to do that. "Okay love, I'll pop down now" he said, getting up and walking out of the room. He got back, around 20 minutes later, and he put things away while you were upstairs.

Then you got another phone call. "What is it with today? Everyone wants a piece of my girl" he joked from downstairs. The phonecall was that unknown number, but you took it anyways.
"Hello?" you answered. The voice sounded familiar, but you didn't know who it was. Then he said his name, and you gasped. It was your ex. He called because apparently he was in town and thought you could meet up with him to talk about things. "You think it's that easy? I have nothing to talk about James, whatever happened had happened, and it's over. You should know better. You had your chance. Bye" you said, throwing your phone on your bed. Alex walked in wondering what you were yelling about.

"Love? Are you okay?" he said, sitting next to you on the bed. You looked up at him, speechless but tears running down your face. "Darling, what happened?" he asked again, wiping your tears with a tissue and holding you close. You didn't know what to say, because all the memories were rushing into your head, the bad ones. You just cried in his arms for a minute and he sat there, holding you tightly, not saying a word. You took a breath and looked at him. "It was James" you just said, looking down. He took a breath and held you tighter. "What did he want?" he said gently, as you were pretty upset. You told him he was in town and wanted to meet up and talk, as if nothing had ever happened, but you just couldn't do that, not after what he put you through.

"Ignore him sweetheart. You've done nothing wrong" he said, kissing your head. "He's a total dick" he said, making you grin. "There just isn't a limit to the length of dickheads people can be, is there" you said, getting up and walking towards the bathroom. He laughed and followed behind. "Yes darling, I agree" he said, watching you. "Where's my meds" you asked him and he looked at you confused. "Oh fuck, I guess I should tell you. I take anxiety medication" you said, trying to find the bottle. He nodded and helped you look, finding it in the kitchen. You took one and stood at the counter, trying to calm down.

"Why didn't you tell me darling?" he asked, not being mad, but just wondering as he cared for you and you turned around, hesitant at first but shrugged. "I'd rather people didn't know that part of me. I'm the happy-go-lucky girl, I don't want to feel judged or treated differently. You know the stigma around these things" you said softly. "Darling, whoever is to judge you for that is wrong. It's your life and the way you choose to control it is not someone's opinion. I will never judge you, nor is it my place to. In fact, I will support you and try to help you as best as I can" he said and kissed your head. You went up to the bed and sat down. You were so angry at James. You knew you'd get over it and it was okay for you to have those valid feelings in that moment. Alex came up with a small paper bag. He sat next to you and pulled out a cinnamon bun. You looked up at him and softly smiled. "You're so sweet, you know? I'm so grateful of you" you said. He smiled, "I had a feeling you would like one, so I got one" he said. He held your face in his hands and spoke.

"I care about you y/n, very much, you know that? It breaks my heart to see you upset, especially if it's something not worth getting upset about. Think about your health and the future, like the trip we will take together" he said smiling. His words soothed your heart and you calmed down. You nodded, "I know, I'm just being stupid. I love you handsome. Too much" you said, taking a bite of the cake. "The cake loves you too" he grinned, making you laugh. There was a little bit of sadness somewhere in your heart still, maybe that thought of losing him. You couldn't bear to go through that again, especially with Alex. He meant so much to you. It shocked you that in such a short time you fell deeply in love with someone, that It feels like you've known each other for a long time.

Will you still need me, will you still feed me... you sang to him. He grinned. "Yes I will love, and I think you're getting tired now. Let's eat and head to bed sweetheart" he said.

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