You're So Dark

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"Y/n, where's my notepad?" Alex asked from the bedroom. He was getting ready to leave for the pre-tour interviews and the actual start of tour. It was beginning on May 2nd in San Diego, then to LA, New York and then Europe, with a couple of festivals. You planned to meet him in LA and then go see your mum in New York. So a couple of days with Alex, though he would probably be busy doing his own things, as expected, but you had no intention of getting in the way of it. You were just happy to be a part of it and he was so glad that you were coming along for a bit. Work gave you that first week of May off.

"It's here handsome" you called from downstairs. He wasn't in a rush, but he always tried to be organized. Matt was coming to pick him up to go to the airport in an hour. He walked down with his bag and put it by the door. "Escaping me already?" you joked and he walked over to take the notepad and put it with his things. He sat on the chair and motioned for you to come sit on him. "Not yet love" he held you closer.

"You're gonna rock this world Alex. I'm so excited!" you said. "Damn right you are" he said and you laughed. "You got my keys yeah for the other house? Give Chelesa a shout if you need, she's in LA when we're playing" he said. "At a cemetery" you grinned. He shrugged, "Life takes you to weird places" he said. "It truly does..." you said and leaned in to whisper in his ear.

"I'm going to think of you every night, until we meet again..." you started, stopping yourself before he decided not to leave. "I look forward to meeting you in your dreams..." he smiled and you chatted for a bit more until Matt came to pick him up. You waved at Matt and kissed your man goodbye. "Take care my love. I'll call you as soon as I can" he said and left.

You say goodbye... you sang as he drove away. Empty again. You rang Lily.

"Aww don't be sad, want to hang later? I'll take you to a cute restaurant!" she said and you did just that. You spoke for hours, about each other's lives and how her wedding planning was. She was planning to have it at the end of the year, just before Christmas. It worked well, as you were free and Alex had some time in between tour, so you could both go. You congratulated her again and then went home.

The album had not come out yet, and those three shows in the first week of May were before the album release, so none of the fans would really know about the new songs. Except you of course, and the inner circle. The time zones were a bit off, so you and Alex mostly messaged.

Alex: Okay? Miss you xo

You felt your heart drop again, but you put a smile on and answered him.

You: okay xo, miss u more. bed is cold without you :(

You lay in bed, missing his warm body.

Alex: Always in your heart darling xo say hi to Miles for me

You were seeing Miles in a few days for lunch. He told you more about his upcoming album, set to release in the summer. He had already released a single in April. You wore that pink scarf he gave you on his birthday, which cheered him up. "You look lovely! Alex is missing out" he grinned and you pouted. "Oh love, don't be sad" he said, giving you a cigarette. The littlest things reminded you of him - even just being handed the cigarette. You took it and he lit it up. "I know. I knew from the day I met him and decided to be with him what I was getting myself into. Famous rockstar and all..." you laughed and Miles nodded. "But I love him more than that obviously" you added.

"Listen love, I can tell you are so in love with him. I saw it at your party, you two have a connection. You're very special. You know anyone like yourself? Looking for someone else..." he joked and you smiled at the memory. "Just one, my friend Lily - and she's engaged. So no, just me. But happily taken" you grinned and he smiled.

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