He's Leaving Home

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You got back to London, exhausted and already missing the warm sun and sweet icecream. It was getting close to another year completed. The weather was slowly getting cooler, the sun still came out every now and then, but the days were shorter and the end of the year was approaching. Alex slept most of the day and you just unpacked and made some food. He was leaving tomorrow to head to France. You made pasta again, like that night on the roof, and set the table, like it was a romantic date. It was your last meal together, so you wanted to make it a bit special. You put on your Sinatra vinyl and lit up some candles. Then you saw Alex walk in, with a surprised look on his face.

"What is all this!" he said, walking over to the pot of pasta. "Dinner, duh" you smirked. "Aww darling, I'll miss this" he said walking towards you pulling you in for a hug. "I wanted us to have dinner one last time again. I know you liked the pasta" you said, looking up at him. "I loved it, thank you my love" he smiled, kissing your forehead. You sat down and had a lovely dinner as Sinatra sang in the background. "That was delicious! Thank you" he said, sipping his wine. You smiled and lit up a cigarette, handing it to him. He took it from you.

I've got you under my skin... I have got you, deep in the heart of me... Sinatra sang as you looked at eachother. He smiled and motioned for you to come sit on him. You crept over to him and sat on his lap, legs on the side of his legs. He loved when you sat on his lap, fitting perfectly on him, like you were made to be there. He held you with one hand and you leaned on the table.

I'd sacrifice anything come what might, for the sake of having you near... Sinatra continued and Alex leaned back, smoking his cigarette, looking lovingly at you. "I'll miss you..." he drawled. You stroked his beard, "I'll miss you more..." you said. He sank a little more and closed his eyes. "You're tired. You can go sleep, you've got a long week ahead. I'll tidy up" you said.

"Each time that I do, just the thought of you, makes me stop before I begin..." he sang, taking a drag of the cigarette, his eyes still closed. The song ended and a new one started playing. Fly me to the moon... the record sang. Suddenly, Alex sat up and spoke. "Oh that reminds me" he said, and you hopped off him and he headed to Lunar Surface. He called you over to come and look at something. You walked in to see the complete model of his little hotel he was making. "Oh my gosh - wow!!​​ That's amazing Alex! You're so smart" you said in shock. You sat by the model and examined it. The details of every corner of the cut-outs, layered perfectly on-top of eachother creating the hotel model.

"Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino" he said and you turned around amazed. It was the album title and you didn't know what to say. It was so unique, and different to their previous albums. Hearing snippets of the album since you met him was so exciting. Throughout the month or so, he had given you hints from the album, making you more excited and you couldn't wait to hear it. You felt the fangirl in yourself rushing in and stood up. "Alex, you are truly something..." you said, still amazed at his talent. "Thank you" he said shyly, as if he was presenting his project to the teacher. "Is it for the album cover?" you asked, curious. He shook his head but his eyes lit up. "You've given me an idea" he said, beaming with excitement and ran to his notepad. You grinned, and followed him. He was frantically writing things down on the paper and you just watched him. He looked up after a minute and laughed. "Sorry love, I have to write my ideas down otherwise they will disappear..." he said, getting up.

You were going to miss him a lot. Seeing him playing his guitar in his studio. Organizing his vinyl collection. Smoking by the bedroom window. Lying on the roof. He was everywhere, both in your sight and mind. Most of all, the way he looked at you with those lustful eyes, not needing him to say a word before you jumped right onto him. Now you couldn't see any of that. It was only for a week and a half, then you were going to join him for the last few days.

You woke up with him the next morning and helped him get ready. He decided to take a taxi. "I've got a surprise for you" Alex said as he put on his boots, slowly getting ready to head off. You pouted because any surprise from Alex was usually too sweet and would make you emotional. But this one was the best one yet.

"I've told Miles to come over tomorrow to hang out with you! I know you wanted to meet him, and he's in town for a bit. Would you like that love?" he said watching your facial expression change. "MILES KANE!? Stop throwing all these big people at me, my heart can only handle so much.. but I would absolutely love that-" you almost screamed. Alex smirked, "Just make sure he doesn't tell you anything weird...he's got some odd stories. Anyways, he's really lovely. I'm sure you'll get along!" he smiled. "Okay I want to know them now... but yes, I am excited!" you laughed. Alex got up and pulled you in for a hug.

"My gorgeous girl... you take care of yourself, okay? Message me anytime you want love" he said kissing your lips. You took him in one last time - his scent, touch and emotions. "Love you handsome, I will. But not always, I don't want to distract you! You take care too and I'll see you soon!" you said, getting a little teary eyed, but managing to put a smile on your face. "I love you too my darling and i'll see you very soon" he said, which made you melt in his arms again. He grabbed his bag and guitar case and headed to the door. You followed behind, tucking his notepad in his bag. "You definitely don't want to forget that" you said, stroking his cheek. "Thanks doll, what would I do without you" he said making you smile. "I know one thing you wouldn't do..." you smirked. He shook his head and raised an eyebrow. "I'm just about to leave, don't to that to me..." he drawled, making you laugh. "Sorry babe, ok go!" you said, helping him out of the door. "One more thing. If you need anything, just ring Miles. I've written his number for you, and you'll see him tomorrow anyways. Or Chelsea, she's at the studio all week if you need. Bye love" he said and you sent him off with a kiss.

In other words... let me kiss you...

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