Twist and Shout

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//smut scene

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You got sandwiches with a drink and headed to the park. You took the train and sat down on the grass at the park. It was probably one of the nicest days in a while, the sky clear from the clouds that were out in the early morning, the humidity rising too. You both ate, as Alex told you about his day. "Me? Bored without you, but I completed my essay" you said, when he asked about your day. "I was a bit of a nerd in school" he responded. "The difference is that you are smarter than me..." he said, finishing his food and sitting up, with his hands on the floor, leaning back a bit. You shook your head and disagreed. "Do you know how many people envy that brain you've got? You're remarkable Alex" you smiled and he put his head down, being shy. You put your head on his lap, looking up at his face. The sun was covered a bit by his body. You could see his eyes past his sunglasses and he looked down at you. "How's the view?" he joked. You smiled and poked his nose. "Very hot, I'm melting down here..." you responded, putting your hand behind your head. He laughed and took a daisy from next to him and placed it behind your ear. You reached up and removed his sunglasses. "How lovely you are Turner..." you whispered. He reached into his jacket pocket to reveal the note you had left him. "You're the lovely one darling" he said, and you smiled. He put it back into his pocket. "You staying tonight?" he asked you. You nodded. "I'd like to, if you want. Oh right, you do - you need that reward" you said, having a sip of the beer. He smirked. "Can't wait" he said.

Somehow you both ended up staying at the park for an hour, and more people were coming outside. It was almost evening, and people had started finishing work and heading outside to enjoy the last few hours of sun. During that time, you spoke with him about music. How it changed your life, your favourite artists, the concerts you had been to. You explained how your grandad was a guitarist and he played a lot when you were younger and when he passed away years ago, you've wanted to continue his spirit of guitar playing, so when you were handed down his guitar, you learned how to play and now it has become a favourite pastime of yours. "He sounded lovely, I'd love to see it" he said, caressing your face. "I'll send you a photo" you said. He noticed you had gotten a bit emotional, as you were explaining how much you missed him and wished he was still here. You sat up and finished the beer. "Right, enough sulking around" you said, putting on the shirt. He watched you, and placed his hand on your leg, slowly making its way up. "Oi, where do you think you're going" you said, talking to his hand. He laughed and stopped, then squeezed your thigh. He knew that feeling would get you worked up. You put your hand on top of his and looked up at him, moving closer to his face. "Reward. Later." you said sternly and got up. He pouted and stood up with you. You laughed and held his hand. "Let's go, love" he said, kissing your head, and you both headed home.

You shuffled out of your clothes as soon as you reached the bedroom. You took one of his t-shirts and put it on, and took your hair out of the bun, letting it fall. The humidity made it a bit poofy. Alex walked in. "Who's this babe in my bedroom!" he said, pointing to your hair. "You laughed. "It looks as if I was a bit too wild in the 70s..." you joked. He looked at you wide-eyed and grabbed his notepad, writing something down. "Oh that was a good one! you're an inspiration, you know?" he said, throwing his notepad back on the side table. You giggled, "Thank you...?" you said confused. You sat on the bed, propped on your elbows.

"Right, as I was saying. Time for my reward" he said, taking off his jacket, t-shirt and trousers. "Hmm come here handsome..." you said, watching him, licking your lips. He hovered over you and started leaving a trail of kisses up your leg, skipping your most needed area, went to your stomach, chest and neck. A light moan came out of you. "Gorgeous girl..." he drawled and looked into your eyes. You lifted your head a bit, so it was touching his beard, that feeling you couldn't get enough of. "Mmm" he drawled, heading back down to your underwear. You knew exactly what he was going to do. You smiled with delight and helped him pull it down. He started leaving kisses on you, then making his way to the area you were the most sensitive, you tensing up. "Please Alex..." you moaned. He looked up and smirked. "I know doll... relax for me..." he said, and ran his tongue on you, slowly moving up and down. But this time, he added his two fingers to you. This is my reward, not his... you thought, clouded in pleasure. You moaned loudly and pleaded to him to go faster. He did, smirking when you bucked your hips up, indicating you were close. His tongue was so warm, fingers moving at perfect paces, his nose and beard brushing against you - all the actions sending shivers down your spine, making you so close to the edge. "You feel so good Alex..." you drawled. You were so close, feeling that knot forming again. "Good girl- come for me doll" he said. You nodded, and he curved his fingers, making you let go. You moaned his name through your climax, and he looked up at you, still moving his fingers but slower. He licked his lips, watching you as you come down from your high. You looked down, meeting his eyes, and smiled. He stopped moving his fingers and removed them. He then wiped his nose and smirked. "That was so hot love, I enjoyed my reward very much" he said, licking his fingers. You laughed heavily, "More like my reward."

"No love, it's what I wanted. Besides, you said to save my voice." He kissed your stomach, making his way up again. You wrapped your legs around him. He reached your face and you held it in your hands. "...I love you, you're so sweet you know? not just because of..." you said, giggling a bit, still catching your breath. "I love you too darling. I know, I see it in your eyes doll" he drawled and held you tight.

You spoke for a bit. "Chelsea spoke to me today. She said you've been doing well in the studio lately" you said, playing with his hand. "It's true, having you around has been good for me" he responded, stroking your head. You looked up at him and smiled. "You're my muse, my desire, my gorgeous girl..." he drawled. "Shit Alex, just write a song already" you joked and kissed him. Alex was the best thing to have ever happened to you, and it seemed like the same for him.

"Goodnight love. I wish you would always fall asleep with me" he said, fading off to sleep. You kissed his cheek. Me too... you whispered and fell asleep too. Tomorrow you were heading back home. You actually had to this time, because you had to hand in your essay and complete some things before leaving school. How were you going to focus? You had no idea, but you had to get through it. It would all be worth it. A degree is awaiting. So was finally more time to spend with your man.

MY MAN?... Oh my god, Lily doesn't know anything...

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