With A Little Help From My...

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//smut scene

"He looks delicous..." you said, looking at photos of Alex from the following shows. The band went to Paris, Rome and a few other cities in Europe. "Ignore that I said that" you said to Miles who was laughing, sat across from you. Miles came around again, this time bringing some food he made. You knew he liked to cook meals when he's home, so he decided to make some pasta. "I shall make no comment to that. They're killing it though" he replied.

You put your phone down and spoke to Miles for a bit. "How's the album!" you asked him. He said that the release would be in the late summer and you got excited all over again for another album. "I hope I can see you live someday!" you said. "I'll invite you when it happens" he smiled. He also noticed you were a bit down, so he suggested going out. "Where to?" you asked. He knew a small bar that he went to a lot, and said friends were at there. It wasn't really your vibe, but you agreed. Anything to get you up and moving again, you needed a distraction after all.

You put on a short blue dress and knee-high boots and headed out with Miles. You were shy around people you didn't know well, so it was a bit awkward. Miles said he would head off to grab a drink and come back, but he saw a friend and ended up talking to them a bit. You stood against the wall and just listened to the music. You wished Alex was there, but it wasn't really his scene either. He'd probably be the same like you. Miles came back and you both sat down. "Sorry love, I spotted a friend" he said and you just smiled. "Would you like to leave?" he asked. You wanted to kindly agree, but suddenly a familiar voice started singing.

Stop making the eyes at me... the song played. You and Miles burst out laughing. "We kind of have to stay for this. Please don't tell Alex..." you said to him and he agreed. You and Miles sang along with many other people who surprisingly knew it as well. You understood how more iconic it was on the actual dancefloor. It's like the DJ heard you moping around and put on something to cheer you up. When the song ended, you winded down and laughed again with Miles. "Well that was something" he grinned.

"How nice it is to be mysterious..." you said to him, referring to being Alex's girlfriend and hearing his song publicly, with no one to suspect you. "Alright, we can go now" he said, and walked out of the club with Miles, your arm in his. You both got a taxi and he said and he dropped you off. "Until next time Mr Kane!" you said.

You got home late and dropped into bed without changing. You woke up the next morning from a text from Alex.

Alex: Hi love, i bet you looked good on the dancefloor last night ;)

Miles you little fuc-... you thought and just grinned.

You: miles can't keep a secret can he?! i couldn't resist okay... i miss you! how's tour :)

You woke up a literal mess and started to clean yourself up. Thank god Alex wasn't home, because it looked like you were literally trampled, not danced, across the dancefloor.

Alex: Fantastic. Great crowds! Milan tonight! Then back to see my girl tomorrow xo

You gasped at remembering that tomorrow he was coming back home then playing at Albert Hall a few days after.

You: Yay excited! See you then x

Alex: You need anything before I come?

He was always sweet like that, as if he was returning home from a vacation with goodies. All you wanted was him, that was the truth.

You: No thanks handsome, just you :)

You put your phone and got ready for the day. You worked until 4pm and got home, had some food and lounged around. You didn't talk to Alex until seeing him the following morning. He flew out soon after his show and came home around midday. You were still in bed, wearing his t-shirt. You did wake up earlier, but went back to sleep, being so comfy. He got into the house quietly and walked upstairs, walking into the bedroom seeing you laying in his spot.

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