Stealing Fire

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I somehow am able to fall asleep while in lock up. I see myself in front of Bellamy on my knees as he raises a gun to my head. I suddenly jolt awake from the dream. Or at least I thought I was awake. As I look around, I find I'm the only one in lock up.

"August," I hear a voice whisper out behind me. I turn to find Lexa with a gunshot wound to the chest as her black blood pours from the wound and dribbles out of her mouth.

"Lexa," I rush over to her and start putting pressure on the wound. "No." Lexa takes her last breath. "No. NO. NO."

"August. August it's okay," I hear my father's voice. I open my eyes to find I'm back in lockup as my father holds my face in his hands. "It's okay."

"Something's wrong in Polis," I whisper to him not wanting the grounders to hear. "Lexa was in my dream and she died."

"You don't know if it actually happened though," My father says and I nod. It just felt so real though. I walk over to Lincoln, Enera, and the other grounders.

"Naikou don tich yu op os, you," Lincoln tells Enera as we watch her wrap a wound. Nyko taught you well.

"Naikou don gonot fou gonen," Enera says the Nyko got out just in time.

"Nou trip raun, you. Yu na gonot seintaim. Ste yuj," I tell her as I rest a hand on her shoulder and the grounder she is taking care of shoulder. I give them a smile which they return. Don't worry. You'll get out, too. Stay strong. Lincoln pats my shoulder before we walk over to my father.
"You inspire them," My father states as I sit beside him.
"We're not gonna let you give up, either," Lincoln says as I pat my father on the shoulder.
"Chancellor on deck," A guard calls out. Pike walks up to the cell.
"I thought we had more time," My father says as we stand.
"I'm not here for either you," Pike tells us. Before looking to everyone else. "Each of you is guilty of the same crimes as Kane and August, and as such, you will share the same fate death."

"Chit en's tel yu op?" Enera asks what he is saying.

"Nou trip raun, you," Lincoln tells her not to worry.
"My people are innocent," I say as I glare at Pike and Lincoln nods in agreement.
"They know nothing," Lincoln adds.
"Don't let them suffer for my crimes, please," I basically beg Pike.

"They didn't know," Lincoln basically begs as well.
"Sir, August and Lincoln's right. All the others did was run through an open door, the same thing we would do if we were in there," Bellamy says which surprises me that he is defending us.
"I believe that's true," Pike says as he looks at the grounders. "August, Kane, Lincoln, Sinclair, as the leaders of this coup, you will pay for your crimes with your lives. Execution is set for dawn."

"You need an example? Let me be the example. They were just following orders from me," I hiss at Pike.

"August, enough," Bellamy says desperately.

"August, you will be the first to die," Pike says angrily.

"So be it," I sneer at him while sending a glare to Bellamy. Bellamy looks like he is about to break down and cry. They all walk away except for Bellamy and I keep my glare on him. I see him turn to walk away. "Still think you're on the right side?" I watch Bellamy tense up before walking away.


August, Lincoln, Kane, and Sinclair do not deserve to die. I will not let them die. I find Monty and we head for Miller's room, knowing that he and Harper are there. I know on the door and Miller cracks it open.
"What do you want?" Miller asks. I hold my finger to my lips for him to be quiet and give him a pleading look. Miller opens the door all the way. Monty and I then walk into the room and Monty closes the door. "What do.."

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