Chapter 1

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"Yeah yeah I'm coming motherfucker" you joked to Schlatt as he had come to get you for dinner.

"Your dad would not approve of that tone young miss" Schlatt laughed as the two of you watched to the dining area.

You took your seat as Schlatt took his. Then your Dad, walked in with a smile as he sat. Schlatt's face blushed upon seeing the King.

"Schlatt stop staring at me, we've been married twenty-seven years" Quackity groaned as Schlatt laughed with a smile

"Yet you look amazing every day of them" Schlatt smiled widely looking at his husband sitting next to him.

"So kid, I wanted to talk to you about, the whole deal with Phil's kingdom, since you are our child and you'll old enough to fully get into it" Schlatt admitted.

"What about them?" You turned to the server who set your plate down "Thank you"

"Well, we've kinda decided to come to a reconcile" Quackity spoke as you raised a brow as you took a fork full of mashed potatoes.

You look to your parents confused.

"Pops is that really a good idea?" You impugned as Schlatt nodded with a serious look to his face.

"I met with him the other week, we talked and agreed to put our issues to the side, for the sake of our children who will one day run our kingdoms" expressed Schlatt as he looked you in the eyes.

Shifting in your seat, you sighed with a shrug, you muttered "Whatever, I don't trust them but it's your choice n' shit" your shoulders shrugged.

Only meer seconds later a balled up napkin was thrown at you.

"You know the rule about language at the table" Quackity joked knowing the rule was never taken seriously.

You laughed throwing the napkin back to him.

[Word count 303]

The beginning of this book

I'm excited for it and I'm happy

[3/24/24: Update]

Wsg yall erm so I've decided to bring back my Techno book because quite frankly I enjoy them and I might even hypothetically rewrite them

That's all

Balls <3

𝕺𝖓𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕬𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙 || Technoblade x Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now